Journey to Centauri :
Episode 20
"Dana. Heres a candidate." Ensign
Cassiano stood over a cryocell in the darkened expanse of Cryobay Four, matching an
inventory code on a portable touchscreen to the numbers stamped on the foot of the cell.
"A doctor?"
"Yes. Gayle Nambala." He used his sleeve to try and wipe some
of the frost on the outside and peer down at the shadowy form inside. "32 years old,
115 pounds. Looks like shes in pretty good shape. In fact, I think I remember
probably the best looking popsicle in this bay. "
"Really?" Dana looked up, her interest piqued. "How are
her vitals?"
"As good as it gets. Should I mark her for wakeup?"
"Yes." Dana already seemed to have lost interest and was
moving down the bay, into an unusually shadowy area further down. Cassiano punched a code
into the small computer "tombstone" at the head of Nambalas cell, starting
the wakeup process.
"Hey Dana, did you know this is my birthday?"
"Happy birthday," she said without irony. "How does it
feel to be 75?"
"75? You mean because of the sleep?" He remained still for a
moment, turning the concept over in his mind. "Damn, that's old."
"Heres something to make you feel better."
His quicklink bleeped and he looked down to see the image of a birthday
cake on his portable screen. After a moment, an animation of a woman popped out with the
words "Dr. Gayle Nambala" over her head. He smiled. "Well, well. I thought
sex in the workplace went out in the late 20th centur
"Oh, no." Danas voice cut into his reverie, and he
looked up. She had moved into the next section of cryocells, blocked off by a screened
panel, and he could tell something was wrong. He moved quickly toward her, past the
screen, and found himself in a land of the dead.
None of the lights along the wall in this section were on, and no pale
blue light shown from the cryocells. "The powercord must have been severed,"
Dana said, and Cassiano could not read her face in shadows. She started forward and he
followed her, moving through a garden of death, rows and rows of prematurely thawed cells,
decaying bodies floating in slimy liquid.
"Now we know," he said quietly. "It must have
"Wait," cut in Dana. He saw her moving toward a cell that was
set back in the darkness. It rested on a platform of sorts, slightly elevated above the
others, and a small yellow-orange light cast strange patterns up and around it. Cassiano
felt as if he were approaching a crypt, or a throne.
And if that light were working, perhaps the cell had not decompensated.
Cassiano scanned quickly through his touchpanel, looking over schematics
of the bay. "No record of this cell in the datalinks. Strange, although you know how
chaotic the launch was. Perhaps some info was lost from the banks."
"Why is it set away from the others?"
Cassiano shrugged. "Looks like they barely fit it in." He
moved closer to it, and suddenly noticed his knuckles were white on the touchpanel.
Dana approached the cell. "The platform is a circuit wafer that
controls this section. Ordinarily it would just have storage bins on top of it, but it
looks like they used the space for another occupant."
Cassiano looked into the top of the cell. There was someone in there, a
dark form, shadows hidden in shadows. The small computer, the "tombstone," was
dark. He put his hand on the glass. Cold. "Its functional, but it looks like
the computer is non-functioning. We can't get any data. There could be brain damage,
tissue damage. If he or she thawed and then refroze..."
Dana poked the tiny computer but got no response. Cassiano spoke up
again. "I'll send engineering down to get it working so we can start the unfreezing
"Hand me your stylus," cut in Dana. Cassiano extended it to
her reflexively and Dana took it. "Now be quiet for one moment."
Dana pried the computer off of its metal input cable and examined the
underside. She thrust the stylus in and twisted, then pried the back off of the computer
and touched the contact on a tiny copper-based chip, then bridged the gap between the
computer and the now disconnected cable.
There was a click and a burst of bubbles from inside the cryocell.
Cassiano watched as the storm of bubbles roiled up, causing the form inside to jiggle and
twitch. The process fascinated him, repulsed him a little.
Underneath the cryocell, the weird yellow light cast shadows around its
smooth glass shape, closing around it like long fingers. Who did they hold in their grip?
"I didnt realize that might work so quickly," whispered
Dana. "Well have to notify Commander Lal." Cassiano nodded. Dana watched
for a few moments more, then turned away. "Onward," she said quietly.
Continue on to Part 2.