Journey to Centauri :
Episode 1
Shapes. Shadows, hovering over him. A sense of threat, darkness
eclipsing his vision, and the distant sound of warning claxons. He tried to lift his hands
and could not, tried to speak and his throat turned to fire. A deep cold pressed down on
him, crushing his bones to ice.
"this one...hurry" The voice again.
More movement, seen through layers of frost and glass. I am the
Captain came his next thought, sharp and coherent. I should be first....
The ship. The mission. Someone, unauthorized, moving around out there. A
wave of dizziness washed over him and his vision blurred into a sea of blue, with red
lights flashing in the distance. He could feel the ship shaking beneath him.
"We move..."
A shadow passed over him. He closed his eyes and waited for the ship to
release him from his forty year sleep.
Transmission Received,
U.N.S. Unity Central Processor.
Fusion drive shut down.
Severe Damage Hydroponics Mods 2, 3; cryobay 7.
Triggering automatic wakeup of core
staff per coded instructions.
Next episode will be posted June 8th.

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