Oct '98: Notes on the New
Interface Hello everyone! Over the last few
months the Firaxis team has been working hard to tweak parts of the game interface and
terrain. Based on a lot of internal review meetings and feedback from many Sid and Brian
fans and our loyal website visitors (we thank you all!), we have come up with a new look
for the game. The following screenshots show the fruit of our efforts! We ended up doing a
lot of revamping, but the end result has been well worth all the late nights and weekends
worked by our art department. We think youll find a game that is much more cohesive,
understandable and of course, most of all, fun.
We all agreed to start with the landthe
representation of the Planet your colonists find after their harrowing escape from the
Unity. We felt the terrain needed to feel a little more alien and a little less confusing.
To that end, we worked on the color scheme so it was less earth-like, and then took off
some of the unnecessary information conveyed by the terrain tiles so players could easily
understand the map. We also added special terrain tiles for all the landmarks you can
discover in the game, like the Monsoon Jungle, Garland Crater, and Uranium Flats, all with
bonus gameplay effects. Units and bases got the once-over as well, with base icons unique
to each faction and crisper units that vividly pop off the terrain tiles.
Once we got the land where we wanted, we turned our
attention to the interface. The original interface of the game could be resized and moved,
much like standard Windows boxes. Functionally this was a cool feature, but few people
used it, and the graphics for the interface were limited to tile patterns that could be
stretched or compressed by the player. Accordingly, our first decision was to fix the
interface in place at the bottom of the screen, allowing our designers free reign to
create the cool 3D layout you see below. Once we were happy with the main interface, we
needed to integrate the rest of the screens with the main display. After some thought, we
hit on the perfect solutionwhy not use the main screen as the basis for all the
other reports and popups that a player uses during the course of the game? This provides
the player with a common interface that can be used in many different ways, and cements
the cool hi-tech vision of the game.
Now that these art changes have been implemented, we are
turning our full attention to finishing this game. Brians pounded out dozens of new
features and AI improvements, so that enemy factions now regularly beat up on our most
experienced players. Our artists are at the odds and ends stage (icons, report
screens, and remaining Secret Project movies). And, best of all, well have a demo
for you, so you can try the game out for yourself, about 4-6 weeks prior to the game
launching! Debugging remains the last major task, with SMAC well on its way to becoming
the most fun, addictive, and richest gameplay experience in the history of strategy games.
We hope youll have as much fun playing the game as we did making it.
The screenshots below are mirrored in the Gallery.
This zoomed-in shot of the Universitys main
continent shows off the new main map interface. Faction dominance is charted in the middle
Multi-function Displayswatch your graph line shoot up when you build a Secret
Project! (119K)
The same game as above, zoomed out to show the troublesome
Hive to the south. Note the Hives underwater colony in the middle of the map. With
sea terraformers building Kelp Farms in the surrounding ocean, underwater colonies can
serve as valuable bases for your naval forces. (122K)
The Hive invasion of the University is well underway. Lab
Four is about to be taken over by Yangs Crawlers unless Saratov can move some
defensive units to the rescue. (140K)
Use the new bio-scan in the lower left to
gauge the mood of your opponent, and check out the dossier photos from your
adversarys past. Note that some of the clips (faction logo and faction HQ) are
placeholders right now. (121K)
The new Basewin is very intuitive and well-organized,
given the complexity of this screen and the amount of information it needs to convey.
Manage all your resource placement, build orders, and drone riots, or activate the
Governor at the top of the screen so you can concentrate on the Big Picture. (123K) |