Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (SMAC) is a
turn-based game of exploration, discovery, empire-building and conquest, set on an alien
planet in the early 22nd century.
Rich Sci-Fi Storyline
Experience the future of history in the 22nd century as you chart the
fate of humanity on a mysterious alien world.
Seven Unique Factions
Play as one of seven factions, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, from the
warlike Spartan Federation to the ecologically-conscious Gaia's Stepdaughters to the
profit-hungry Morgan Conglomerate.
Multiple Paths to
Conquer the Planet through military might or lead your people to the next level of
human evolution.
Addictive Gameplay
Get hooked into Sid Meier's famous "just-one-more-turn" gameplay. Every
turn brings a new decision--and new consequences.

Every World is Different
Each time you play, an all-new fractal based planet generator creates a new planet,
complete with unique weather patterns and geological formations.
3-D Terrain
3-D contoured terrain breaks through the "flat-map" your
units turn, bank and tilt over the rolling hills of Planet.
Terraform the Land
Raise and lower the land with your Terraformers, changing weather patterns and
altering the course of rivers to make the climate more suitable for you or harsher for
your opponents.

Compelling Future
80 future technologies define the state of the art in interesting
you research a new military technology, better medical technology to increase the standard
of living, or a new power source to generate more energy?
Implement Your Vision of
Create or adopt new social and economic models to formulate the society of your
The Mysteries of Planet
Discover and contend with strange indigenous life forms, from the benign Xenofungus
to the deadly Mind Worms, and learn how they interrelate in the larger life cycle of the
Planet itself.

A Myriad of Choices
Construct dozens of base facilities or build up to 32 astounding Secret Projects
that confer unique bonuses on your faction.
Custom Units
Design units according to your needs. Outfit land, sea and air units with multiple
types of armor, energy and projectile weapons, and dozens of special abilities (a
superfast Terraformer with singularity lasers!).
Extensive Automation
Simplify the management of your empire with unprecedented levels of Auto commands,
unit patrol orders, intuitive go-tos with waypoints, colony build queues, and intelligent
colony governors.
Unique Economic Model
Explore a unique model of wealth and power, in which energy is the currency of the

Full Multiplayer Support
Race against six of your friends to dominate the new world on LAN, modem, Internet
or serial connections. Chat live over the Internet with text or the latest voice-over-data
Incredibly Responsive
and Detailed AI
Computer players make intelligent decisions, plot with you against mutual enemies,
coordinate their actions, and respond to you based on their own self-interest and
Diplomatic Intrigue and
Marshall support for your agenda at meetings of the Planetary Council. Double-cross
allies using stealthy probe teams. Manipulate other factions to get elected Planetary