Welcome to Rich's Pegopedia. The following is a sampling of my research into the legends and uses of the mythical winged horse. Over the years I have compiled a fairly exhaustive list of winged horses which I call "pterippi" (meaning "winged horses" in Greek). It is my hope that you enjoy this information as much as I did researching it. Upon request I can supply what resources I am familiar with.
Unfortunately, since I originally began my research as a personal hobby years ago, I was not in the habit of annotating the sources for all of my data. However, I was in the habit of purchasing what resources I could afford. Therefore, I do have a large collection of resources, just not a complete one.
Another problem with this list is inherent to the HTML programming language which tends to restrict the usage of non-English characters. Therefore names from Greek, and other languages, which have peculiar sounds represented by umlauts, and other diacritical marks, could not be represented.
If you would like to discuss the topic of Pegasus or winged horses in any form please contact me at: xephyr@jps.net
Pegasus (Pegasos) in Greek Mythology is the winged steed that caused Hippocrene, the fountain of the Muses on Mt. Helicon, to well forth with a stroke of his hoof. Pegasus, whose name is possibly derived from 'springs of the Ocean' (pegai) or 'of the wells,' is a variant of the Greek word pege which means "spring" or "fountain" and the form sus is pre-Greek in origin, means "bridled horse" referring to the figurehead of a ship. Thus Pegasus can literally mean "Fountain Horse."
Legend Highlights (Greek Mythology):
Son of the Gorgon Medusa & the Seagod Poseidon (Neptune)
Sprang fully formed from the severed neck of Medusa when Perseus slew her (= most popular version)
Brother of the giant (or winged horse), Chrysoar and of the colt, Celeris (or his father)
Mounted by Perseus, who flew over the sea to slay the sea-dragon Cetus (some accounts say)
Taken by the goddess Athena to Mt. Helicon to be reared by the Muses
Caused the fountains of Hippocrene & Aganippe to gush forth
The inspiration of the Muses (especially of Urania & her son by Apollo, Linus)
Wise seer of Corinth, Polyeidus, advised Bellerophon to capture Pegasus
Mount of Bellerophon, tamed by the golden bridle, Chalintis: gift of Athena (Minerva)
Mortal enemy of the Chimaera, Pegasus' proficient flying enabled her slaying
Stung by a gadfly when Bellerophon arrogantly tried to steer Pegasus to Olympus
Occasional mount of Eos (Aurora) for her drive across the sky at dawn
Occasional mount of Apollo (Phoebus) during his daylight drive across the sky
Bearer of Zeus' (Jupiter/Jove) divine Lightening & Thunder (storming hoof beats)
Father of the pterippi species by Euippe (according to some accounts)
Earthly & heavenly deeds honored with a memorial in the heavens
For a more complete tale of the Pegasus Legend see "Pegasus the Legendary Winged Horse."
Horses are a potent symbol from almost every world religion and mythology. Many of its myths express the horse's innate clairvoyance and ability to perceive the magic within humans. Some view the horse as the symbol of strength, virility and lust. According to popular belief it loses its sexual powers when its mane is cut, and is the only animal which shows sorrow because it weeps for its dead master (though this is later belief is not exclusive to the Horse-Human relationship). Also, it is a symbol for loyalty and devotion, such as the faith it has with it's master. It also represents the warrior spirit, bravery and courage. Strength & Sexual Energy
Wings are a symbol that denotes "flight" and often represent prayer and contemplation, especially in the sense of feathered bird-like wings. A spiritual or religious symbol they represent the soul's ability to transcend the weight of earthly burdens and rise above such concerns into the air, even to Heaven itself, to the presence of God. In Christian symbolism, through demonization, there are also the accursed wings of such infernal creatures as vampires, basilisks, dragons and others. These are the leathery wings of skin, like those of a bat, whose appearance adds to the attributes of evil inherent in the beast. "Skin" being a symbol of the carnal nature of man, therefore sinful, is connected to the to the idea of the perversion of the intellectual faculties toward evil purposes. Azrael, the Angel of Death, is often depicted with leathery wings, (i.e., the satyr-like devil, Satan [the former Angel of Light, Lucifer] the Destroyer). These are the typical wings of the Hellhorse or the Chimaera. Transcendence & Liberty.
TheWinged Horse or Pegasus symbolizes heightened power of the natural forces - the innate capacity for spiritualization and for inverting evil into good. As a Christian and religious symbol, Pegasus was adopted from the attribution as the mount of Apollo, the God of pure light, beauty and truth to be included in the symbolic fauna of Christ. Winged horses, in general, symbolize the transport of the soul of the deceased Christian to Heaven, and figuratively, like Apollo the Sun-god, represents Christ lifted up and, like the sun, 'Full of Glory,' and as the Revealer of Mysteries and the causer of refreshing (as in the passage: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles..." - Isaiah 40:31). Also, during the Apocalypse, Pegasus has been compared to the "white horse" whom the conqueror rides in the book of Revelation in the Bible. Aside from being a general symbol of creative inspiration and poetry, the flying horse is an expression for speed, power and swift transport. As an animal totem, Pegasus symbolizes the immortality of the soul, and serves as the carrier and protector of the spirit in its journeys to the astral plane (especially to the Moon - the emotional plane). Pegasus is closely linked to the Greek gods Poseidon (Neptune) [emotion ], his father; Athena (Minerva) [heavenly wisdom ], his protectress; Zeus (Jupiter) [guidance & creativity ] as his Thunder-bearer; and the Muse Urania [heavenly love ], his nursemaid, and the Muses [inspiration, memory and the arts ] in general; the heroes Perseus [intellect ] and Bellerophon [impudence ]; and the monsters Medusa [mortal wisdom ] and Chimaera [complex evil ]. Creative Inspiration & Benevolent Transformation, Communication & Transportation.
(Pegasuses, winged horses & horse related creatures in literature & science)
Aaragorn the Winged Horse. Originally the mount of the third Black Knight (Dane Whitman), a hero of Marvel Comics and a member of the Avengers. Later, he was given to Brunhilda an Asgardian Valkyrie, and now lives in Asgard with the other winged horses of the Valkyrior. The Black Knight eventually took up with the bat-winged steed called Valinor. (See: Strider, Valinor).
Abatos (See: Plutonian).
Abraxas (See: Eoan).
AEthion (See: Heliosian).
Aeton (See: Plutonian).
Aganippe the Night-Mare. A dark female winged horse which pre-dates Pegasus said to be "the mare who destroys mercifully." Some say she was actually an aspect of the Earth-goddess Demeter (Ceres) in a lunar depiction where she punished the evil with dreams of terror (possibly an alliterative form of the English word "agony" which refers to 'intense mental or physical pain'). Despite this trait, her name actually means "the Gentle Mare" which recalls that, when she was not carrying out some form of retribution, she was very good natured. A possible origin to this aspect of the usually good-natured Demeter is derived from her rape at the hands of her brother Poseidon. After fleeing his advances and transforming into a mare, and while still mounted by the similarly transformed Sea-god, she fled in humiliation and outrage from Olympus. Taking on the aspect of a Fury, she was also called Erinnys. Finally, Zeus intervened and convinced her to return to Olympus. According to another version, Aganippe was actually one of the resultant offspring sired from the union of Poseidon and Demeter, and that she and her brother (in the form of a pterocentaur) birthed the race of Magnete centaurs. Aganippe is also the name of a fountain of Pegasus and the Muses. (See: Areion, Hippocrene, Magnetes).
Alastor (See: Plutonian).
Aligero Clavileno, Don Quixote's "Wood-pin Wing-Horse." Senor Don Quixote de la Mancha and his squire, Sancho Panza, mount Aligero Clavileno to achieve the deliverance of Dolorida and her companions. Don Quixote's own bony horse was named Rosinante and Sancho's ass was named Dapple.
Almaricorn the Winged Sea-Unicorn. (See: Maricorn).
Alicorn the Unicorn's Horn. Some modern authors claim that the Alicorn is a term for the species of flying unicorns from the Latin words ala meaning "wing" and cornu meaning "horn," however, the ancient writers used the word to denote the actual horn of the Unicorn which purports to have magical healing powers when the tip is dipped into a body of water. In this respect the term alicorn may find it's roots in the Latin words alima meaning "of the sea" or alere meaning "to nourish" or even alius meaning "other source or knowledge" and, of course, cornu. (See: Cerapter, Unicorn).
Alsvidur & Arvakur the Fiery Winged Horses of the Sun & Moon. In Scandinavian mythology a man named Mundilfari had two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, whom he called Dag & Mani (the Sun & the Moon). His arrogance so displeased the gods that they took Mundilfari's children and placed them in the sky. They gave Dag the task of driving the horses Alsvidur & Arvakur, and pulling the celestial bodies (the Sun & the Moon) across the sky each day. Because the Sun was very hot the gods fastened two billows to the horses to keep them cool. The horses' manes, wings and fetlocks burned with the Sun's fire. Alsvidur means "all-swift" and Arvakur means "shining mane" or "early awake." Two other horses, Abakur ('hot one') and Aslo (meaning?) were also designated to the Sun and moon.
Amathea (See: Eoan).
Amon the Demonsteed of the Son of Satan. (See: Satan).
Anzu (See: Zu Bird).
Areion the Talking Horse (also spelled Arion), son of Poseidon and Demeter the Earth-goddess. While searching for her missing daughter, Persephone, who had been abducted by Hades (Pluto), Demeter was pursued by Poseidon. Trying to escape his advances Demeter changed herself into a mare (perhaps in her Aganippe form) and hid among the grazing horses of King Oncus of Arcadia. Likewise, Poseidon transformed into a stallion and mounted her. The resulting offspring were the stallion Areion and his sister, the mysterious Lady known only as Despoena. This fabulous winged steed, aside from possessing the gift of speech and fleetness, was also said to have either the right feet of a man or the ability to transform into a man. Areion, according to some, does not necessarily have wings or the ability to fly, though some legends do claim these attributes. As the son of Poseidon, Areion is said to have been the first horse, and that all others are descended from him. First owned by King Oncus, Areion was given to Copreus, the son of Pelops and Hippodamia, who carried the orders of King Eurystheus to Hercules until Copreus was killed by Hercules. Hercules took possession of Areion and used him in the expedition against Elis and the struggle against Cycnus. Eventually Areion was befriended by Adrastus, the King of Argos, and leader of the Seven against Thebes. Adrastus was wounded in Thebes and subsequently rescued by Areion. Having already demonstrated his speed in the funeral games of Opheltes, Areion once more sped to carry his new master away from the battlefield and left him near Colonus in Attica, making Adrastus the sole survivor. Though, in the rematch, Adrastus' son, AEgialeus, would later become the sole fatality of the Epigoni. One tale relates that Areion, in the form of a winged centaur (pterocentaur) and his sister (or mother) Aganippe, sired the race of Magnetes. Areion may have been the inspiration of the constellation Equuleus. [In Greek legend there is another Arion, a poet and the son of Poseidon and the nymph Oncaea on the island of Lesbos, who feel victim to a shipwreck on his voyage from Tarentum to Corinth, and was said to have been saved by Poseidon or Triton, who transformed him into a talking dolphin which now serves as a marine deity, and is said to guide lost ships and protect survivors of shipwrecks from the hazards of the seas. This Arion was also commemorated in the heavens as the asterism Delphinus]. (See: Aganippe, Equuleus, Magnetes).
Arimaspi the Cyclopean Horsemen. These legendary northern people had only one eye and rode horses. They lived next to the Hyperboreans near a stream flowing with gold. This golden river was guarded by griffins (gryphons), the hounds of Zeus, creatures that are half-eagle, and half-lion. The Arimaspi are in a continuous battle with the griffins to possess or protect the hoard of gold. Supposedly they were eventually conquered by Alexander the Great. Also called Arimaspians.
Arrhippe the Mare of Artemis (Diana) the Hunter-Moon Goddess. Once a chaste woman and noted huntress dedicated to the service of Artemis, she was raped by Tmolis on a couch in her mistress' temple, where she later hanged herself. Arrhippe was revived and transformed by the goddess into a mare. Her name means "best of the mares." Also called Arsippe or Aristippe.
Ashvins the Hindu Centaurs or Horse-men. Also called Aswins. (See: Gandharvas, Gemini).
Asterope (See: Heliosian).
Athene the Mutant Horse. The result of recombinant DNA, Athene is a black (with iridescent deep purple and peacock blue-green tints) Arabian mare with wings, and was created by scientists. Featured in the STAR TREK novel "Enterprise: The First Adventure" by Vonda N. McIntyre, published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. in 1986. Capt. James T. Kirk and the original crew of the Starship USS Enterprise, united for their very first assignment which served as a courier charter responsible for transporting the entertainment troupe of the Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company (which included Athene and her trainer, Amelinda "Lindy" Lukarian) from starbase to starbase on a goodwill mission. Athene's breed is called, appropriately, Equiraptor, because she is mixed with bird-of-prey genes and is carnivorous. Equiraptors cannot fly, except in zero-g gravity. It is said that due to this flaw nearly all Equiraptors go insane. Athene may have been the first to be cured. [Note: Pallas Athene is one of the epithets of the goddess Athena (Minerva)].
Aughisky the water-horse. Considered to be the same as the Highland Each Uisge, these creatures were said to once be very common. Said to be a wonderful mount if one could get an Aughisky away from the sand and salty-sea, put a bridle and saddle on it. Unfortunately, at the sight of salt water, the beast would race into the sea, taking its rider with it, where it would proceed to devour the rider. (See: Each Uisge).
Bailus, one of the immortal mounts of Achilles. (See: Xanthus).
Bai ma the Chinese white horse with one horn, the tail of an ox and the cry of a tiger.
Battlestar: Pegasus the long lost Starship of the legendary Commander Cain from the 1970's Television series "BATTLESTAR: GALACTICA." Commander Cain and a skeleton crew sacrificed themselves and their ship in order to prevent the annihilation of the rag-tag fleet of surviving ships entrusted to Commander Adama of the Galactica, by an onslaught invasion of Cylon forces. The rest of Cain's crew, including his own daughter, Sheba, were transferred to the Galactica before the Pegasus disappeared. Later, the remains of a crashed Battlestar believed to have been the Pegasus were discovered on a distant planet by a patrol from the Galactica.
Bellerophon the Monster-Slayer. As the son of the Seagod Poseidon and Eurynome (or Eurymede), the daughter of King Nisus of Megara who was married to King Glaucus of Corinth (Ephyre), he was raised as the Prince of Corinth. Traditionally Bellerophon is regarded as a nickname or epithet, since he earlier killed a tyrant (according to some versions, his half brother) named Bellerus. His original name was Hipponous meaning 'horse wisdom', while Bellerophon means 'slayer of Bellerus.' Some accounts even call him Chyrsoar, or 'golden sword.' Both bold and beautiful, Bellerophon's gifts of spirit and body made him most notable. After slaying the tyrant Bellerus, he literally earned himself a reputation and a name. Being summoned to the palace of King Proetus of Tiryns, Bellerophon was approached by the king's wife, Stheneboea (Anteia). When she failed to seduce him she tried to bring about his death. Having been scorned she told her husband that Bellerophon had attempted to seduce her. Proetus did not dare kill a man who was a noted hero and a guest in his palace, instead, sent him to his father-in-law, Iobates, King of Lycia, with a sealed message containing his death sentence, saying "Pray remove the bearer from this world; he has tried to violate my wife, your daughter." This is the origin of the literary phrase "Bellerophontic letters," which is used to describe any communication designed to bring harm to the unwitting bearer of the message. Iobates imposed several impossible tasks on Bellerophon, trusting that he would perish in the attempt. The first task required Bellerophon to slay the Chimaera. To accomplish this deed Bellerophon sought the advice of the Argive seer, Polyeidus who told him to tame the winged steed, Pegasus, and then, with the aid of Athena (Minerva) he would defeat the Chimaera. Athena appeared to him in a dream and gave him a magic golden bridle, Chalintis. He quickly left for Mt. Helicon, to the fountain Peirene, sacred to the Muses and Aphrodite (located behind her temple in Acrocorinth) where Bellerophon easily bridled and mounted the fabulous winged horse. Armed with the golden sword, Chrysoar, a gift from his father, Poseidon, they flew over the Chimaera and stuffed the beast's jaws with lead. The lead melted in the beast's own flames which it vomited forth and caused it to suffocate. Next Bellerophon and Pegasus triumphed over the savage tribes of the Solymi. When the Amazons invaded Lycia, Bellerophon and Pegasus repelled them as well. Upon his return to Lycia, Bellerophon successfully overcame an ambuscade which Iobates had laid for him. Iobates and Proetus were so impressed with the hero's relentless courage and selflessness that they ceased all hostilities and Proetus gave his daughter, Philonoe, to be Bellerophon's wife, by whom he had three children, Hippolochus, Isandrus and Laodameia. The end of Bellerophon's life was most tragic. Two of his children, Laodameia and Isandrus, were slain, the first by Artemis, and the second by Ares. Finally, perhaps driven by the grief for his slain children, Bellerophon mounted Pegasus one last time. Perhaps to challenge Ares and Artemis, perhaps to claim some perceived birthright or earned heroic merit he intently drove straight toward the throne of Zeus: Mount Olympus. Affronted by such conceit, Zeus formed the gadfly, Brize, and sent it to sting Pegasus under the tail, causing him to rear and sending his rider tumbling to the earth. Pegasus, however, completed the journey to Olympus and was welcomed by all the gods. Some accounts say that Bellerophon perished in the fall, while Homer tells us that Bellerophon was left lame and half blind instead. Odious to all Immortals, Bellerophon wandered the earth, his heart consumed with misery, alone, fleeing the haunts of men. (For more information about Bellerophon see: Chrysoar the Golden Sword; Pegae; Pegasus the Legendary Winged Horse; The Pegasus Syndrome).
Blodug-hofi, the favorite steed of the Norse god of sunshine and summer showers, Frey. As the Sun-god, Frey is often compared to the Greek Sun-god, Apollo, and therefore his mount to Pegasus. Blodug-hofi is said to be able to pass through fire and water with equal ease and velocity and to scatter flowers along his way.
Bo the Chinese horse with one horn, tiger's teeth and claws, and a white body and black tail. Impervious to weapons, it makes a sound like that of a drum.
Bonnacon the Bull-horse. This Asian beast has the body of a horse and the head of a bull and immense curved horns, which breaths fire.
Brightwind the Valkyrior Steed. In Marvel Comics, Brightwind is the familiar of Danielle "Danni" Moonstar (Psyche/Mirage/Moonstar) of the New Mutants (junior X-Men) when she became accepted into Asgard as a Valkyrie after Brightwind "chose" her to be the steed's mistress. This mystical bond, enhanced by Danni's own mutant ability to commune with animals, also prevents her from leaving Asgard for very long.
Bronte (See: Heliosian).
Bucephalus, the favorite War-Horse of Alexander the Great. The horse's head was said to have resembled that of a bull. Bucephalus was noted for his habit of always kneeling for his master to mount. Ancient Macedonians believed Bucephalus was a unicorn, Alexander's father, Philip, called it a karkadann. At the age of thirty the horse died, and Alexander built a city for his mausoleum, which he called Bucephalia (now Jhelum) in India. Bucephalus mean "ox-head." (See: Karkadann).
Buraq & Mamoun the Arabian Winged Horses. In Islamic legend there are stories of two winged horses (often these are confused with Pegasus). The first was Mamoun, whom Allah (God) created for Adam, the first man. Mamoun was made from amber and pure musk, with wings of precious stones. Adam would mount the winged horse, guided by the archangel Gabriel, and soar to heaven where it was that he learned the greatest words of Moslem praise, "God is great and contains in himself all the greatness that can be imagined!" Buraq (also spelled Burak or Al Borak) was a silver-gray mare upon whom Mohammed the Prophet was said to have made his famous Night Journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then on up to heaven. It is said that Buraq will be the first quadruped that God will revive during the Apocalypse, the angels will place a saddle of shining rubies on his back and a bit of pure emerald in his mouth, and lead him to the tomb of Mohammed. Then the Prophet will be revived and mount Buraq to fly one last time to heaven for eternity.
Burrito the Winged Donkey. The cheeky young donkey from the Disney animated short "The Flying Gauchito" in the film THE THREE CABALLEROS. Little Gauchito had climbed the Andes Mountains to hunt for condor eggs when he happened upon the nest of Burrito. Capturing Burrito, Gauchito enters him in a Fiesta horse-race to win the Grand Prize of 1,000 pesos. Caught cheating, Gauchito and Burrito fly off and are never heard from again.
Cabyll Ushtey the Water-Horse. Known in the Isle of Man, these creatures were pale gray in color. They were said to be dangerous, like the Highland Each Uisage, they liked human flesh. (See: Each Uisage).
Castor the Horseman. Also spelled Kastyr (Greek) or Castores (Latin), he was the son of Zeus (Jupiter) and Leda, the adopted son of King Tyndareus, and twin brother of Polydeukes (Pollux) the Boxer. Hatched with his brother from a single egg, he and Polydeukes have been inseparable ever since. (See: Celeris, Gemini, Harpagus).
Celeris the Swift Foal, brother (or son, perhaps by Euippe) to Pegasus and gift by Mercury (Hermes) to Castor the Horseman (of Gemini fame, Pollux's mortal twin brother). Like Pegasus, Celeris was honored by being placed in the heavens under the name of Equuleus, the Colt. Celeris means "swift." (See: Castor, Cyllarus, Equuleus, Euippe, Gemini, Harpagus, Pegasus).
Centaurs & Centaurettes the Horse-people. Descendants of Nephele in the guise of Hera (Juno), and of Ixion, king of the Lapithae whose son, Centauros, sired their species by mounting various Magnesian mares in Thessaly. Some authors hold that Centauros was the son of Apollo and river nymph Stilbe, brother of Lapithes, and an ancestor of the Lapithae, and half-brother to Chariclo, wife of Cheiron. Originally depicted as typical men with apparently the torso and hind quarters of a horse (their front feet being those of a man) often possessing two sets of genitalia. Later representations show a typical body of a horse with the torso and upper body of a man springing from the horse's neck area. It is believed that centaurs arose from a misinterpretation of horse and riders which seems to explain the origin of the name -cento meaning 'to goad or prick' and -tauros meaning 'bull', which implies they were cattle herders (i.e., centaurs were the first "cowboys"). The centaurs were eventually driven out by Theseus and the Lapithae after a battle ensuing upon the centaurs' rowdy misbehavior at the wedding of Peirithoos and Deidamia. There the wild centaur, Eurytion, laid hold of the bride and a grand confusion took place. Many centaurs died in the ensuing battle. Of those lost, perhaps the most tragic was that of the passionate lovers, Cyllarus and Hylonome; the most beautiful centaur and centaurette in Thessaly. Cyllarus was killed by the Lapithae, and in despair Hylonome killed herself. Though Centaurs are usually associated with lustful, bibulous, aggressive and licentious behavior, perhaps the best-known is gentle and wise Cheiron, whom some called their king and leader, and later became the constellation Centaurus. Another centaur named Pholus, also not descended from Centauros (but of Seilenos and Nais), befriended and greeted Hercules with hospitality, but was killed by a poison arrow. Yet another centaur, Nessus, insulted Hercules' wife, Deianeira, and was subsequently killed by him. He then told Deianeira to take some of his poisoned blood as a love potion for Hercules. Thus deceiving Deianeira he was responsible for the mortal death of Hercules and subsequent suicide of Deianeira. Some other noted centaurs were Rhoaecus and Hylaeus who were slain by the heroine, Atalanta, when they tried to rape her. Pylenor, also was only wounded by an arrow of Hercules, while Daphnis, Argeius, Anchius, Amphion, Hippotion, Oreius, Ispoples, Melanchaetes, Thereus, Doupon, Phrixus and Homadus were all killed by Hercules during the battle with the Lapithae. Brooding Brutus & melancholy Melinda were the most notable centaur & centaurette in the Disney film FANTASIA. The term "centaurette" was coined during the making of the film. Centaurs were also popular in Mesopotamia from the second millennium BC. According to some early accounts, centaurs were said to possess the bodies of goats instead of horses, though these are more properly known as aegipans, named for their progenitor, AEgipan (often confused with Pan) a woodland god similar to Pan (though with four legs), the son of Zeus (and the she-goat Aix or the satyrette Amaltheia) who aided the gods in the Titanomachy (the battle of the Titans). Centaurs are also called Hippocentaurs and Magnetes. (See: Centaurus, Cheiron, Gandharvas, Magnetes, Pholus, Sagittarius, Sileni).
Centaurus the Centaur. A constellation traditionally identified with Cheiron in the southern hemisphere between Lupus and Hydra. Not to be confused with Centauros, the father of the Centaur species, who, himself, was a mortal man. (See: Centaurs, Sagittarius).
Cerapter the Winged Unicorn. The Greek name for a flying unicorn (Latin: Alicorn) combining the Greek words ceros meaning "horn" and pteros meaning "wing." (See: Alicorn, Unipeg).
Cheiron the Good and Wise Centaur. Also spelled Chiron or Kiron, and sometimes called Philyrides, named for his mother. Pliny called him the "Beast Divine." He was not, like most centaurs, a descendant of Centauros, and had nothing in common with his fellow centaurs except his appearance; rather he was a Magnete and the son of Chronos (Saturnus) & the Oceanid, Philyra, making him a contemporary of the Titans. In a bout of infidelity, while searching for the hidden child, Zeus, Chronos happened upon and ravished the sea nymph. Upon being discovered by his wife Rhea (Ops), still coupled with Philyra, he transformed himself into a stallion and fled. The offspring of his union was an immortal that was half horse, half man. It is reported that the union of Chronos and Philyra produced a more human offspring called Dolops, but virtually nothing is known of him. Cheiron was raised by the twins Apollo (Phoebus) & Artemis (Diana) who taught him medicine, hunting, music, astronomy and many other arts. As an infant, Athena placed her hand on Cheiron's forehead and imbued him with extraordinary intelligence. Being a centaur Magnete, Cheiron was famous for his goodness and great wisdom and, in turn, was noted for the tutelage of such great heroes as Herakles (Hercules), Crotus, Hylas, Peleus, Castor & Pollux, AEneas, Jason, Aristaeus, Achilles, Orpheus, Atalanta, Linus, Pholus the Centaur and Asklepios (AEsculapius). Cheiron married the nymph, Chariclo, daughter of Cychreus (son of Poseidon and the Rivergod Asopus' daughter, Salamis) and Stilbe (daughter of the Rivergod Peneius and the nymph Creusa), and had a daughter named Hippa (also called Euippe). Another daughter of Cheiron, Endeis, was the wife of AEacus and the mother of Telemon and Peleus, one of her father's students. Some legends tell of a possible third daughter, Ocyrrhoe, who is also confused with Hippa's daughter Melanippe. Cheiron and Chariclo were also said to have had a lesser known son named Carystus, who had founded the city of the same name and fathered Zarex. Cheiron and his wife, mother and children lived in a cave on mount Pelion in Thessaly. He was said to have personally raised Jason (of Argonaut fame) and Peleus. It was rumored that Cheiron wanted to make his friend, pupil and adopted son, Peleus more celebrated so he spread the report that Peleus and the Nereid Thetis were married. It was not true, but at some point Peleus decided to pursue the lovely goddess for real. At first she strongly resisted him, but with Cheiron's advice, he won her hand. The wedding of Peleus & Thetis was lavishly celebrated and attended by all of the gods. It was the first and only "official" wedding between a mortal and a god (the wedding of the goddess Harmonia & King Cadmus was of lesser respect, and the wedding of Eros/Cupid & Psyche was not accepted until long after the nuptials). As a great friend and sometime companion of Herakles, it is said that Cheiron was accidentally grazed by a blood-poisoned arrow which Herakles had used to kill the serpentine beast, the Hydra of Lerna. Being immortal, Cheiron was unable to die, yet, despite his vast medicinal knowledge, he was also unable to cure himself ("Physician, heal thyself"). Finally, in an act of selfless determination, he traded his life to rescue the Titan Prometheus (who was then suffering for stealing the Olympic flame), and both were finally relieved of their personal agony [Zeus had cursed Prometheus by chaining him to a great rock and causing a gryphon (or eagle/vulture) to continuously devour his liver with the promise that only if an equal would exchange their immortality for his freedom would the curse be broken, thus Cheiron gave up his immortality in exchange for Prometheus' freedom. The gryphon was slain by Hercules]. Zeus (Jupiter), was so moved by Cheiron's selfless act that, after he died he was rescued from Hades, welcomed into Olympus where he became the new Paeon (healer), and teacher to the gods, and was commemorated with the constellation of Sagittarius and/or Centaurus. Chiron is also the name for a minor planet or asteroid(?) number 2060 discovered by astronomer Charles Kowal in 1977. It's 49 year orbit around the Sun lies between Saturn and Uranus. Chiron was the first of four bodies discovered so far with similar orbits and properties. These bodies have been designated Centaurs, after the race of half-man/half-horse beings from Greek mythology, in recognition of their dual comet/asteroid nature. Another of these has been named Pholus. Astrologers believe that Chiron's discovery was foretold and that in the Age of Aquarius it is a great omen as the Wounded Healer. Its orbit represents a higher wisdom (7x7=49), its placement represents a connection between our solar system (Saturn) and the outer universe (Uranus), and as the wounded healer he represents "finding the answer from within oneself." Cheiron is also a synonym for hylobates which are a species of gibbon. (See: Centaurs, Centaurus, Crotus, Euippe, Hippa, Magnetes, Melanippe, Pholus, Sagittarius).
Chimaera The Lion-beast. The offspring of Echidna and Typhon and said to inhabit Lycia. This beast is said to be a fire-breathing monster with the head of a lion, the hindquarters of a dragon and the midsection of a goat (also said to have three heads, one of each beast). Tormenting the people of Lycia it was eventually slain by Bellerophon while riding Pegasus. The Chimaera is often conceived as a type of dragon and sometimes is depicted with leathery wings. The Chimaera is a teratological being that symbolizes complex evil. Also spelled Chimera. The Chinese Chimaera is called a Bixie. Bixies are winged beasts with one or two horns and the body and tail of a lion.
Chronos (See: Heliosian).
Chrysoar the Golden Sword. Not nearly as famous as his brother Pegasus, Chrysoar has differing legends. Sometimes he is depicted as a Giant who was given a golden sword (the meaning of the terms chrysos and soar) as a marker to his godly heritage by Poseidon. As a Giant he was the father of the monsters Echidna, Orthrys, Cerberus and Geryon by Callirrhoe (an Oceanid). Other myths claim that Chrysoar was a winged steed, like Pegasus, who also sprang forth from the foam when the blood of Medusa dropped into the sea. While this second myth would make a total of three winged steeds birthed from the union of Poseidon & Medusa, the true tale is probably that only Celeris & Pegasus were horses and Chrysoar was a Giant, and the origin of Chrysoar as a horse is most likely a confusion of the Celeris/Chrysoar legend. Other accounts claim Chrysoar was named so for the golden sword that Perseus used to slay his Gorgon mother, while others state that Chrysoar is actually an epithet for Bellerophon whose original name was Hipponous (meaning 'horse wisdom'). This, of course, re-enforces the fact that Pegasus and Bellerophon were actually 'brothers' (both having the same father). (See: Bellerophon, Celeris).
Crotus the Archer. The son of the Wood-god Pan and nymph Eumene (or Eupheme), the nurse to the Nine Muses. Crotus was probably a young satyr. Favored by the muses and trained by Cheiron, Crotus became a skilled and noted archer, and one legend says that he beseeched the favor of Zeus who promised that when he died he would be placed among the constellations as Sagittarius. Also spelled Krotos. (See: Sagittarius).
Cyllarus the Centaur and the Winged Horse. In Greek & Roman mythology there are at least two horse-creatures named Cyllarus. One was a centaur, possibly of the Magnetes, who was killed during the Battle of the Lapithae, and whose lover, Hylonome, subsequently killed herself. The second Cyllarus is a white stallion that was given to Pollux (Polydeukes) by Juno (Hera) upon his ascent to Olympus, as Castores (Kastyr) was given Celeris by Mercury (Hermes). This later Cyllarus may have been related to Celeris. Probably named from Cylla in Troas. (See: Centaur, Celeris, Equuleus, Gemini).
The Dardanian Mares. Boreas (Aquilo), the North wind, once changed himself into a horse and united with the Mares of Dardanus (the son of Zeus and Electra, ancestor of the Trojans, founder of Dardanus and the Palladium), and became the father of twelve steeds so swift none could overtake them.
Deinus (See: Diomedan).
The Diomedan Mares: Deinus, Lampon, Podargus and Xanthus, the savage Mares of King Diomedes, the tyrant of Thrace (not Diomede, son of Tydeus) who starved his horses, then fed them on strangers who visited his kingdom. These four horses had to be captured by Herakles (Hercules) in his Eighth Labor. Because of the masculine names given to these horses they were probably stallions. Due to the voracious appetites these beasts acquired under the cruel raising of their master, they were only sedate enough to handle once they had a full stomach which they obtained after devouring King Diomedes. The horses were said to be the offspring of the Wind-god Zephyros & the harpy Podarge, and therefore siblings to the famous horses of Achilles, Xanthus & Bailus, and the lesser known steeds, Pedasus, Harpagus & Phlogeus, and the cousins to the mares Psylla & Harpina. (See: Harpagus, Harpina, Pedasus, Xanthus).
Each Uisge the Fierce Highland Water-Horse. Also called Ech-Ushkya, and Glastyn or Glashtin by the people of the Isle of Man. These beasts were haunts of the sea and lochs, while their cousins, the Kelpies, stayed in running waters. The Each Uisge had the appearance of a sleek horse which deceptively offers itself to be ridden. If a human mounts it, he or she becomes "stuck" and unable to dismount. It then races headlong straight into a lake with its rider where it devours the human (save the liver). (See: Aughisky, Kelpie, Noggle).
Empousae, the Equine Vampires. The Empousae are female shape-changing specters from Hades, the Greek underworld which feed on the flesh of humans. In their natural form they appear as having the head and torso of a beautiful alluring woman, but from the waist down they possess the hindquarters of an ass [sort of a false-Sileni]. As metamorphs they most frequently take on the appearance of beautiful maidens and young girls to attract their victims, but they can also take the form of any creature they choose. Like the serpentine Lamia, an Empousa will devour it's lover. Empousae, Bucentaurs (minotaur-women), Gorgons, Harpies (avian hags), Hemicynes (vicious canine-women), Sirens (wicked mermaids), Sphinxes, Succubi and Lamiae are all half-woman, half-creature with fiendish tendencies. The Empousae and others, including the vengeful ones, the Erinyes (Furies), often serve as hounds or attendants to the Hadean goddess of magic, Hekate (Trivia), as well as the King & Queen of the Underworld, Pluto and Persephone. Traditionally the word empusa has been translated "hobgoblin," but it is derived from the word empoieo, meaning "to put in, insert." which obviously refers to their seductive nature.
Eoan Steeds: Eoos, Abraxas, Phaeton, Amathea are the names given to the Winged Horses of the Dawn.
Eoos (See: Eoan).
Epona the Roman Goddess and protectress of horses, mules, cows and oxen. She was a beautiful girl said to have been the offspring of a man and a mare. Also called Bubona, she was identified with the Greek deity Hippa and Rhiannon by the Celts. (See: Euippe, Hippa, Poseidon).
Eques the Flying Centaur. An obscure one-shot story character from the tales of the X-Men. The neo-mutant Daniel Wiley who, upon puberty, discovered he had the ability to transform into a winged centaur and calling himself Eques. Eques' wings sprouted from his human shoulders as oppose to his equine portion. Having come to the attention of Professor X and the X-Men, as well as that of Magneto, an ensuing battle over the protection and training of this youth occurred during the Texas State Fair in a special edition Marvel Comic published in 1983 for the Dallas Times Herald, The Uncanny X-Men at the State Fair of Texas. As X-Men stories go, this was a rather good story and very well drawn, at least until the final panels when the story suddenly went lame as the giant mechanical cowboy marquee kicked Magneto and later winked at the X-Men. (See: Pterocentaur).
Equiraptors the Mutant Winged Horses. (See: Athene).
Equuleus the Colt. The second smallest constellation of the Celestial sphere in the Northern Hemisphere tucked between the nose of Pegasus and the little dolphin, Delphinus, approximately 19 to 28 degrees of Aquarius, and 1 to 12 degrees north of the equator. The image is traditionally a figure of a horse or foal, said to represent either Celeris, the brother of Pegasus or another horse, Cyllarus. It is said to be a fortunate influence. There is no certain legend applied to Equuleus and it is supposed that Ptolemy added it to the Celestial Sphere, those some say it was Hipparchus, the Greek astronomer who lived around 160-120 BC. As stated, some see Equuleus as Pegasus' brother, Celeris, others as his Offspring and a flying colt. Others say it is Equus Primus, because it rises before Pegasus. The Arabs preserved this latter notion in one of their names for the constellation - Al Faras al Awal, "The First Horse." In this latter respect, Equuleus' legend probably suits Areion who's claim is to have been the very first horse. (See: Areion, Celeris, Cyllarus).
Equus the Language of the Horse. Said to be at least 75 million years old (human language can only be traced back 2.5 million years) it is primarily a physical body language, yet it's faithful in the transmission of information and it is predictable, discernible and effective. The horse is incredibly intelligent within the narrow scope of it's needs. With training a human can be taught to truly understand and communicate with a horse and, in doing so, create a partnership between the ultimate fight animal and flight animal, forging a lasting partnership.
Euippe the Flying Horse. Her name means "good mare." Euippe was another name for the horse-goddess Hippa (Epona), daughter of Cheiron and Chariclo. According to one version of her myth, Euippe, like her mother, who was a nymph, was born with the ability to prophesy, except her ability was far greater than those of normal nymphs (perhaps because of her father's great intelligence). As a young maiden she spent most of her time with Artemis (Diana) learning the arts of hunting and chase. She had also made a vow of chastity. Her ability to prophesy caused her to predict that one day Cheiron would give up his immortality. This angered her father, Cheiron, and the gods (particularly Zeus/Jupiter). As punishment AEolus II (Hippotades), the god of the wind, raped her and she became pregnant with Melanippe. Despite the fact that it wasn't her fault, her loss of virginity angered her patron goddess, Artemis. Seeking refuge from her woes she fled to the sea to find her grandmother, the Oceanid Philyra. Poseidon (Neptune) the Sea-god welcomed her. In another version, she eventually returned to her home in Helicon where she was wooed by King Pierus whom she married and bore to him nine daughters: Colymbas, Dracontis, Acalanthis, Cenchris, Chloris, Nessa, Cissa, Inyx, and Pippo. These maidens were said to have singing voices that rivaled the nine Muses. People began worshipping them, and even King Pierus promoted them as the actual Muses. This angered the Muses who challenged the Pierides (as the nine maidens were called) to a singing contest. During the contention between the Muses and the Pierides, filled with the airy enchantment, Mt. Helicon rose higher and higher heavenward with glorious delight. In excitement Pegasus gave the foot of the mountain a kick which stopped its ascent, and brought out of the mountain the soul-inspiring waters of the Hippocrene. The Muses were judged as more inspired and as punishment the Pierides were transformed into the birds for whom they were named. Melanippe, Euippe's daughter, was also raped by her uncle Poseidon. Euippe, in time was so plagued by her prophesies and woes that, by decree of Zeus, she was transformed into a winged horse. Because she was generally a good being, she was placed in the heavens as the constellation Pegasus. It is surmised that this union of Euippe and Pegasus resulted in the birth of Celeris. Some attribute the portion concerning the transformation into winged horse to Euippe's sister, Ocyrrhoe, and tell that Euippe, under the name Hippe was worshipped as the goddess and protectress of horses. (See: Celeris, Cheiron, Epona, Hippa, Melanippe).
Falke the Falcon-Horse. In Scandinavian legend, the winged horse of the hero Thedrek.
"Flutterby & Glitterby Baby"
Flutterby the Magical Winged Filly in the stories by Stephen Cosgrove and Robin James. A Serendipity Book character in three books published by Price Stern Sloan, Inc. Flutterby began her life in a chrysalis in the magical land of Wingsong. Originally she was the size of a Monarch butterfly or sparrow, eventually growing to the size of a miniature horse. In adulthood, driven by loneliness, Flutterby left the magic of Wingsong and flew to the mortal world where she happened upon a herd of miniature horses. A sacred bond of love united her with the leader of the herd, the mortal stallion Black-Eyed Pete, and the little winged foal, Glitterby Baby was the fruit of their union. (See: Glitterby Baby).
Flying Horse the Energy Drink. A soft drink from Switzerland said to be "the second most known energy drink with taurin!" Taurin is a chemical compound called Beta-Amino-Sulfon-Acid. The human organism produces taurin out of the sulfurous amino acid Cystein. Taurin is said to be an important element within the development of the central nervous system and influences the different transportation processes within the human body. (See: Pterippi).
Foamy the Giant Seahorse. (See: Stormy).
Gandharvas the Vedic (Hindu) Centaur Demi-gods. Gandharvas are the men-horses of Indo-European Brahmanic mythology who play heavenly music and jealously look after the sacred Soma. In appearance they were usually depicted as having the bodies of men and the heads of horses. The name Gandharvas means "the fragrances," and they are said to reside over the air, rain and rain clouds. They also, like the Ashvins, have a connection to medicine, healing and marriage. They are also considered to be extremely adept in musical skills and music knowledge, and considered benevolent to musicians and singers. They, along with the Asparas (the Vedic equivalent to the Greek Nymphs) are licentious mates. (See: Centaurs, Gemini, Magnetes).
Gemini the Divine Twins. The astrological sign of the Dioskuroi or "Sons of Zeus." The sign depicts Kastyr (Castores) and Polydeukes (Pollux) as males, or Clytemnaestra and Helen as females. All four were the offspring of the mortal woman Leda and were hatched from two large swan eggs she had laid. In the guise of a giant swan Zeus beguiled Leda, the wife of King Tyndareus of Sparta. Of the quadruplets, Helen and Kastyr were the immortal children of Zeus, while Clytemnaestra and Polydeukes were the mortal children of Tyndareus. All four were tutored by Cheiron. Helen is better known as 'Helen of Troy,' the face that launched a thousand ships, and Clytemnaestra married Agamemnon, king of Mycenae & Argos, and both were embroiled in the Trojan War. Aside from their many heroic adventures (including the Argonautica and the Calydonian Boar hunt), Polydeukes became a famous boxer while Kastyr became the greatest of horsemen. When the mortal Kastyr died in a feud between them and the semi-divine twins Idas and Lynceus (sons of Poseidon and Arene), Polydeukes pleaded with his father to give some of his own immortality to Kastyr. Zeus obliged his son's request, but since Kastyr had died, the twins must spend part of the year in Hades and the other in Olympus. Kastyr and Polydeukes are also the names of the two brightest stars in the Gemini constellation. In India, the same constellation is called the Ashvins, or "Horsemen." The Ashvins were the sons of the Sun-god Vivasvat, in his seven-headed horse form, and the cloud-goddess Saranyu; as well as being great horsemen, they were also powerful healers. The Ashvins' names were sometimes given as Dasra and Nasatya and these twins were identified as equivalent to Kastyr and Polydeukes, and, like the Dioskuroi were considered "inseparable." Their function was to drive a chariot through the sky preparing a path through the clouds for Ushas, the goddess of the dawn (identified with the Greek goddess Eos). Their whips scattered the morning dew. At evening twilight, they took a similar ride through the sky. Their loyalty was to the god Indra. Surya, the Sun-goddess and daughter of Savitri, was wife to both of the Ashvins. Their worship is linked with an ancient Vedic ritual called Ashvamedha, or horse sacrifice. The Greek name for the asterism Gemini is Didymoi meaning "twins" and the star Castor has been sometimes called "Eques." (See: Castor, Celeris, Vivasvat).
Glitterby Baby the Magical Winged Foal and child of the magical Flutterby and the mortal Black-Eyed Pete. Being raised in the mortal world stunted the growth of Glitterby's wings. Only by leaving the companionship of Black-Eyed Pete and returning to Wingsong with his mother could he be cured. (See: Flutterby).
Haizum the Flying Stallion of the Archangel Gabriel according to the Koran of Islam.
Harpagus & Phlogeus, the Horses of the Dioskuroi (Castor & Pollux). Wind-begotten steeds, the offspring of Zephyros and the harpy Podarge, siblings to Xanthus and Bailus. Compare the divine steeds Celeris and Cyllarus. There seems to be divergent tales of the names of the Dioskuroi's steeds, though the offspring of Zephyros is most likely Greek in origin, while the others are probably Roman. (See: Celeris, Cyllarus, Gemini, Xanthus).
Harpina & Psylla, the winged mares of King OEnomaus of Pisa, the wicked son of the War-god Ares (Mars) and the river nymph Harpinna. The offspring of the Wind-god Boreas and a harpy (perhaps AEllo or Podarge). Given by Ares as a wedding gift to OEnomaus and the Pleiad Asterope. These mares drove the king's personal chariot, especially noted during his chariot race challenges to his daughter, Hippodameia's suitors. The losers of the race were then decapitated. Eventually Pelops, the son of Tantalus and the Oceanid Deione, with a pair of own winged stallions given to him by his patron, Poseidon, and the aid of King OEnomaus' charioteer, Myrtilus, was able to sabotage OEnomaus' chariot, causing the king's death. Nothing else is known of Harpina and Psylla after the death of OEnomaus. They may have been killed and buried with their master, or they may have been rescued by their father.
Hekate the Demonsteed of the Son of Satan. (See: Satan).
The Heliosian Steeds: Lampos, Actaeon, Chronos, AEthion, Asterope, Bronte, Pyroeis, Erythreos, and Phlegon are just some of the many winged steeds that are the residences of Helios' Sun-stables. Pegasus, when not in attendance with the Muses or bearing Zeus' thunderbolts in a storm, often resides here as well. Phaeton was so named in honor of the deceased son of Helios (Sol) by the same name. AEthion ('fiery red'), Asterope ('starry eyed'), Bronte ('thunder'), and Phlegon ('the burning') most often drive Helios' chariot, while Lampos ('torch') and Actaeon ('effulgence') are used by Apollo for his own sun-chariot.
Hellhorse the Demonsteed. These creatures, while having the basic form of a horse, are really more reptilian by nature. Having a sleek black/purple scaly hide, cloven hooves, a barbed tail like a dragon's, and a beaked snout, the forked tongue of a serpent, and tresses of fire for their mane, fetlocks and tail, and the ability to spit fire from their mouth. Pluto drives a chariot which is pulled by at least two or three. Hellhorses have the ability to fly, but not all require the addition of leathery winged appendages, like those of a bat, to do so. Also called Pyrippus. (See: Plutonian).
Hengist & Horsa of the Jutes. Horses were especially sacred to the 5th Century Germanic Tribes known as the Jutes. The King and Queen were called the Hengist & Horsa ("The Stallion & Mare"). Symbolic of these equine gods was a double-headed androgynous horse still used to decorate the rafters of old houses in Jutland. These figures are called the Hengist & Horsa and said to bring good luck.
Hippa the Goddess of Horses. Often identified with Epona, the Roman deity. Also called Euippe, Hippe, Hippo or Hippona, her name means simply 'horse' or, as in the case of Euippe, 'good mare.' Worshipped as the goddess and protectress of horses. Daughter of the wise centaur Cheiron and the nymph Chariclo, she married the King (or god) of the winds, AEolus II (Hippotades), the son of Poseidon and Arne (the daughter of Hippotas). Shortly after his birth, Dionysos (Bacchus) was given to Hippa as his wet-nurse. Having faithfully cared for him she then turned him over to her father, Cheiron and the Sylvan-god Silenus for further tutoring. Hippa, was seduced and raped by AEolus, ruler of the bronze-bulwarked floating isle of AEolia. One legend says that by AEolus Hippa became the mother of the four winds, Zephyros (Favonius) the West wind, Eurus (Volturnus) the East wind, Boreas (Aquilo) the North wind, Notus (Auster) the South wind, and two daughters, Pneume (Aura), the morning breeze, and Melanippe (Arne) -some accounts say that Melanippe was their only child, and that the winds, along with the star-children Hesperos (Vesper) and Phosphoros (Lucifer) are the offspring of Eos (Aurora) the Rosey Dawn and Astraeos (Fuscus) the Starry Dusk (others list Eos & Astraeos as the parents of AEolus instead). Hippa or Hippia was also an epithet of Athena (Minerva) as the protectress of Horses. (See: Epona, Euippe, Melanippe, Poseidon).
Hippocampes the Sea-Horse of Poseidon. Hippocampes was the progenitor of the race of hippocamps, having the forelegs of a horse and the body of a fish with the tail of a dragon or fish. The favored mount of Poseidon and his wife, Amphitrite (Salacia), often depicted as driving the royal sea-chariot. These are also usually ridden bareback by young merfolk called "trites." A Hippocamp is also called a Hippocampus or Hydrippus. (See: Pterocamp).
Hippocrene, Pirene & Aganippe the Springs of Pegasus. Located at the foot of Mt. Helicon in Boeotia these springs flow into the Parnassus. These fountains are the most celebrated wells which gushed forth under the hoof of Pegasus. They had the virtue of conferring poetic inspiration on those who drank their waters. The Muses often immersed themselves in the waters when tired or in need of fresh inspiration and then would dance and sing on the tender greensward that bordered the fountains. Hippocrene means 'Spring of the Horse,' Pirene means 'to flow around' and Aganippe means 'The Gentle Mare.' These names are also given to the nymphs who live in and tended to these fountains. These three nymphs are collectively called the Pegasides. (See: Aganippe, Euippe, Pegasides, Pegasus).
Hippogriff the Equine Gryphon. A winged horse, the offspring of a griffin and a filly. It has the head, wings, and claws of a griffin (gryphon - a beast with the lower half of a lion and the upper half of an eagle), and the body, hooves, and tail of a horse. (See: Arimaspi).
Horseshoe, the Talisman of Fortune. As a talisman the horseshoe represents fortune, both good and bad. It is considered unlucky to mount a horseshoe over a portal upside down (
), because this state represents all luck as 'poured out.' The shoe should always be mounted right-side up (U) which catches and fills with good luck. The horseshoe is the symbol of the Goddess of chance and fortune, Tyche (Fortuna). The impressions from a horseshoe left in the earth form tiny crescents and are symbols of the moon-goddess, Artemis (Diana) or Selene (Luna). (See: Pegasus Constellation, Winged Horseshoe).
Ichthyocentaur the Sea-Centaur. Similar to centaurs, however these creatures have a human upper torso, the chest and forelegs of a horse (with webbed hooves) and the tail of a fish. Sometimes they are even depicted with wings sprouting from their equine shoulders. These steeds are typically the mount of sea-nymphs (oceanids & nereids -mermaids) and tritons (mermen).
Jacchus the Unicorn Mule. Obviously not a winged or even flying creature, Jacchus is the faithful mount of the obese Wine-god, Bacchus (Dionysos) as depicted in the film FANTASIA. [In Greek Mythology Jacchus or Iacchos is the son of Dionysos and Aura (or of Zeus and Persephone), who would die and be reborn as Zagreus.] (See: Unicorn).
Karkadann the Arabic and Persian Rhinoceros-Unicorn. Similar to western unicorns though not nearly the handsome beasts found on the laps of virgins. Resembling a stag, horse or antelope it is also said to have the body of a rhinoceros, the tail of a lion and a single crescent shaped black horn. (see: Bucephalus, Unicorn).
Kelpie, the Scottish Water-Horse. Also called a Shoney, the Kelpie is distantly related to the Each Uisge of the Highlands. Considered to be a faery spirit of running waters, it can assume the form of a human, but more often appears as white horse with a mane like sea-foam. Any human foolish enough to mount a Kelpie is immediately taken into the deepest body of water and drown, though, unlike their cousins, they do not eat the human. (See: Aughisky, Each Uisge).
Ki-lin or Ki-rin the Japanese Unicorn, equivalent of the Chinese Qi lin, and a powerful symbol of good luck. (See: Qi lin, Unicorn).
Krewe of Pegasus Mardi Gras Parade. The Krewe of Pegasus parade was organized in 1957 as part of the overall Mardi Gras season. The club, whose name was derived from the blood-born, white winged horse of Grecian mythologies, holds to their slogan-"Neither rain, cold, strike, nor hurricane's might." In 1965 Hurricane Betsy wiped out the krewe's costumes, the next year its parade rolled in a deluge, and one of Pegasus' first balls was held in 15-degree weather.
Lampethousa (See: Selenian).
Lampon (See: Diomedan).
Lampos (See: Heliosian).
Leukippe the White Mare Goddess of the Cretans. The "White Mare" was probably a variant of the Hindus' Saranyu worshipped in Mycenae where it was an aspect of the Earth-goddess Demeter (Ceres) as the Mare of Life, and where she was also called Melanippe, the Mare of Death. As an aside, Leukippe in the form of a centaurette, by Areion, himself in the form of a pterocentaur, gave birth to the race of Magnetes, the great and gentle centaurs. It's possible that in the form of Melanippe Demeter, by Centauros, birthed the baser species of centaurs, also called Hippocentaurs. (See: Aganippe, Magnetes, White Horse).
Magnetes, the Great Centaurs. Traditionally there is no physical difference between species of centaurs, however ancient writers did distinguish centaurs based on heredity and temperament. Typical centaurs were known for their licentious and libatious proclivities, but certain among the centaurs were inherently gentle, wise and just. These later centaurs were called Magnetes or the "Great Ones." Named for the region of their birth (Magnesia in Thessaly), and the Magnesian Mares which birthed the first centaurs. Their actual ancestry is a matter of debate. Though still loving their drink, music, dancing and lust, the Magnetes included Cheiron, Pholus and others who also maintained a trait of self control. It is possible that the lovers Cyllarus and Hylonome were also Magnetes. Some have claimed that the Magnetes (except for Cheiron and Pholus) were the direct descendants of Areion, in the form of a winged centaur (pterocentaur) and Leukippe (Demeter as the "White Mare") in the form of a female centaur. Magnetes were also known as wizards and great healers, skilled in the knowledge of herbs. The Pegae (horse-priestesses) practiced their cult in connection to the Magnetes as well. A sacred grove in Chios called Tripotamara ("three streams") is said to still be haunted by the ghosts of these centaur-wizards. The term Magnetes has passed down to modern day as the word "Magnates" which once referred to "landowners" (medieval noblemen), Balkan equestrian warriors and members of the Hungarian and Polish upper branch of the Diet, who were the models for every military aristocracy in Europe: Spanish Caballeros, French Chevaliers, English Cavaliers, and, by extension, even Canadian Mounties, all mean "riders of horses." The term Magnate still means " great one," and now refers to a "great man" or one who is very important or influential in any field of activity, especially in a large business. (See: Aganippe, Areion, Centaurs, Cheiron, Leukippe, Pegae, Pholus, White Horse).
Mamoun the Arabian Winged Horse. (See: Buraq).
Maricorn the Sea-Unicorn. Seen primarily in heraldry, this strange composite creature and it's cousin the Almaricorn (the winged sea-unicorn) is relatively obscure in mythology so very little is known about it. It has the upper body, including the forelegs, of a unicorn and its hind portion is a fishtail.

Medusa the Gorgon. Medusa, along with her sisters, Stheno and Euryale, were the daughters of the sea Titans Porcys and Ceto. Medusa was the youngest and most beautiful (she was also the only mortal one of the three). Once said to have been extremely wise they all served as priestesses to the virgin goddess of wisdom, Athena. However, the Seagod Poseidon (Neptune) desperately desired Medusa. In a moment of raw passion he raped Medusa inside of Athena's temple of worship. Perhaps in anger, the three sisters became petty and vindictive toward men. Appalled either by the sisters pettiness, or by the sacrilegious sexual act, Athena transformed Medusa and her sisters (all of whom were now wicked) into hideous beasts with scaly skin, dragon's wings and hair formed of dozens of coiling snakes. As a result, all who beheld the Gorgons were instantly turned to stone when their eyes met. Medusa and her sisters became even more vicious and took great pleasure in torturing their victims until the day when Perseus, guided and gifted by the Gods, slew Medusa. He used her head to slay the Sea-dragon Cetus then gave the head to Athena who mounted it onto a breastplate (or shield) called the AEgis. Upon her death, the seeds of the union of Poseidon & Medusa germinated into the young colt named Pegasus and the giant (or another winged horse) named Chrysoar, who sprang forth when the blood of Medusa made contact with the seafoam. Perseus married the princess Andromeda and they had a daughter whom they called Gorgophone (named for the slain gorgon). Medusa was also identified with the Libyan Queen and serpent-goddess of wisdom of the Amazons. Her name is derived from the Sanskrit medha, Greek metis, and Egyptian met or maat all meaning "wisdom."
Melanippe the Black Mare. Also called Arne, she was the daughter of the gods AEolus (II) and Hippa (a.k.a. Euippe) who like her mother, could prophesy. Abandoned by her mother to the care of her uncle Poseidon, Melanippe was ravished by him, to whom she bore twin sons, Boeotus and AEolus III. Desmontes, her guardian, was jealous and so enraged by her pregnancy, that he blinded Melanippe and imprisoned her within a stone wall as a living tomb, then left her two children on a hillside to die from exposure and wild beasts. The twins were found by a shepherd who brought them to Theano (Siris) the queen of Icaria. Unable to have her own children she presented the twins to her husband King Metapontus as her own. Not long afterward she actually bore her husband two sons of her own. All four boys were raised together, but Metapontus favored the elder two. In spite Theano, who as also the daughter of King Morges, successor to Italus ruler and founder of Italy, informed her own sons of the twin's founding and pleaded for them to be slain. When the two pairs of brothers fought, however, Poseidon appeared to them and rescued his twins and slew the others, and told the young men to rescue their real mother. Theano, in grief, committed suicide. Upon discovering their true parentage they returned to free their mother, slew her jailer and her sight was restored by Poseidon. Boeotus and AEolus III founded the cities of Boeotia and AEolia. While still young, Melanippe used her abilities without discretion by prophesying to the young Asklepios (AEsculapius) concerning secrets of the gods*, they became angered causing her father, AEolus, to ravish her, after which Melanippe was transformed into a true mare or winged horse (like her mother) and renamed Ocyrrhoe. Another version tells that Melanippe was brought, by her sons, to King Metapontus, where they explained Theano's treachery. Metapontus adopted the twins and married Melanippe. Another version of the Ocyrrhoe tale explains that Ocyrrhoe is actually a third daughter of Cheiron and Chariclo. There is some confusion between the stories of mother and daughter. (See: Centaurs, Cheiron, Euippe*, Leukippe).
Mobilis the Flying Red Horse. Two of the strongest elements in Mobil Corporation's trademark history have been the word "Mobil" and the Flying Red Horse, Pegasus. Probably motivated by the Latin word mobilis meaning "capable of being moved" the name of the company was derived. The use of the Flying Red Horse, or Pegasus symbol was adopted as a trademark in the US in 1931, but its first use can be traced back to 1911 where Pegasus was used as a symbol of speed and power for the Mobil company in South Africa. Mobil Sckiyu in Japan, however, first colored it red.
Monoceros the Unicorn. A constellation located behind Orion and between the stars of the Greater Dog (Canis Majoris) and the Lesser Dog (Canis Minoris). There are no specific fables related to this constellation since it was not invented until 1690. Some astrologers believe that it is suppose to bring an ambitious nature, with a love of travel and change. (See: Unicorn).
Moonhorse the Winged Horse from a short story, or rather, poem, by Mary Pope Osborne, illustrated by S.M. Saelig. This charming tale is a Dragonfly Book published by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. The poem is dedicated to the author's deceased father which tends, perhaps, to increase the insight of its nature. One night a little girl is rocking on the front porch with her father who has fallen asleep. The child proceeds to have a nighttime adventure on the flying Moonhorse through the perilous constellations. She lassoes the moon itself and steers it high into the sky, then safely returns to her sleeping father.
My Little Pony, the Winged Ponies. Among the various ponies there were those with wings, who, like all of the others, had names of saccharin.
Noggle the Shetland Sea-Horse. Also known as a Nuggle, Nygel or Shoopiltie. Known on the Shetland Islands it is said to appear only near water and resembles a small gray horse complete with bridle and saddle, and its tail curled up over its back. Typically not dangerous, but known to be mischievous. If a mill was running at night the Noggle would stopped the wheel, or if anyone mounted a Noggle, it would dash into the water carrying the rider with it. When it would later reappear from beneath the waves it would vanish in a blue flame.
Nokke the Sea-Centaur of Denmark. Also called Neck, this creature was said to always be male and live in both fresh water and salt water. Like Greek centaurs, it resembled a man from the waist up, but a horse from the hip down. It usually appears as a handsome young man sitting in the water on a warm summer night playing a gold harp, or as an old man sitting on a sea-cliff wringing his beard. Nokkes are said to be very polite and attentive, but occasionally snatch beautiful maidens and bring them into the sea, never to be seen again. It is believed that Nokkes can be repelled by iron or steel so fishermen would put a knife or nail in the bottom of their boat.
Nonios (See: Plutonian).
Ocyrrhoe the child Mare. A flying colt, said to be a daughter of the good centaur Cheiron and the nymph Chariclo. Many conflicting myths surround the story of Ocyrrhoe, Melanippe, Arne, Hippa and Euippe. (See: Cheiron, Euippe, Hippa, Melanippe).
Papillequine the Butterfly-winged Horse. A pterippus with the gossamer wings of a butterfly or faery, instead of the feathery wings of a bird or the leathery wings of a bat. Some depictions include two antennae rising from their foreheads just above the eyes. Like the Arthurian Papillon, they also breathe fire, have cloven hooves and a long tail. Also called a Hippolepidopterus.
Papillon the Faery-Winged Steed of Morgana. In the Arthurian tales there is a papillequine named Papillon, perhaps the progenitor of the species, belonging to Morgan le Faye, King Arthur's sorceress sister who once carried Ogier the Dane to Morgan's castle, and then returned him to the court of France a century later. (See: Papillequine).
Pearl Rider, the magical flying horse of Princess Tenko, from the 1990's cartoon Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic.
Pedasus the other horse of Achilles. Not to be confused with Pegasus, along with Xanthus and Bailus, Pedasus was one of Achilles' horses whose name means 'bounder.' There doesn't seem to be any specific legend concerning him. Possibly brother Xanthus and Bailus, and therefore the son of the Wind-god Zephyros and the harpy Podarge. (See: Xanthus).
Pegacorn (see: Unipeg).
Pegae, the Water-Priestesses. In ancient Corinth, the guardians of the sacred fountain of Pirene (Hippocrene) were a sect of priestesses who founded a cult in which they wore horse-masks in honor of Pegasus. These priestesses were also called "man-eating mares" and believed that Pegasus and/or Areion flew heroes to heaven. It is said that the Pegae killed Bellerophon and his father, Glaucus. (See: Magnetes).
Pegasean, of or relating to Pegasus or to poetry [now rare].
Pegasi the Winged Horses. Also called Pegasuses. So named for the most famous of the breed. However, this is truly a misnomer and not a common practice for naming a species (though it is generally accepted). The term "pegasi" is more appropriately used as the genitive form of the constellation Pegasus where the stars are called Pegasi (i.e., alpha Pegasi, beta Pegasi, etc.). (See: Pterippi).
Pegasides, a name sometimes applied to the Muses of Greek mythology. The association applies to Pegasus' striking of the ground which produced the Hippocrene fountain, which was sacred to the nine muses. Nymphs of springs and brooks were also called Pegasides by some authors. (See: Hippocrene).
Pegasoid, of, pertaining to, or resembling the "form of Pegasus." In biology the term also refers to the family of fishes or "flying sea-horses," the Pegasidae.
Pegasomaniac, an obsessed fan of the symbolic or manifest representation of winged horses.
Pegasophile, one who has a fondness for or love of winged horses, especially collectors.
Pegasophobe, one who has a distaste or loathing for winged horses or representations thereof.

Pegasus the Legendary Winged Horse. When the Gorgon Medusa was decapitated by the hero Perseus, Pegasus and his brother, Chrysoar, were born from the mix of seafoam and blood. Ridden by Perseus, he carried the hero over the sea and aided in the defeat of Cetus, the Sea-dragon, and the rescue of the Princess Andromeda. After this adventure, the young colt was gathered by Athena (Minerva) and carried to Mt. Helicon where she entrusted the Muses with his care. In his excitement young Pegasus struck the ground with his hooves and cause the springs of Aganippe and Hippocrene to gush forth their bounty of inspiration. Urania, the Muse of Astronomy and Universal Love (also an aspect of Aphrodite) showed the most interest in his rearing. Prophesying of his future heroic deeds and eventual celestial honor she grieved the most when Bellerophon, at Athena's beckoning, came to take Pegasus away from Mt. Helicon. After the many long years of heroic deeds Pegasus had accomplished in the companionship of Bellerophon, and the hero's thankless death, Urania was enraptured by Pegasus' triumphant arrival to Mt. Olympus. The tragic ending of the tale of Bellerophon would seem to be a shrewd illustration of the folly of assuming that something or someone is subject to our will and cannot function successfully without us. The Greeks may have also attempted to tell us that simply being a member of the human race does not, in itself, warrant our acceptance into the transcendental realms. The simple fact that it was the Horse and not the Man must surely convey something of the status of man in the universal scheme of things. Pegasus went on to become the occasional mount of the goddess Eos (Aurora) on her mission to bring forth the Dawn. At other times he was ridden by Apollo (Phoebus) as he brought the sun across the sky. And, even more importantly, Pegasus served as Zeus' Lightening bearer, when Pegasus' own hooves could be heard thundering across the skies in a storm. As a tribute to his exceptional life and heroic deeds, Zeus honored Pegasus with a constellation in the sky. According to an amalgam of several other myths stemming from Cheiron's progeny, there is a formidable afterlife for Pegasus involving a wife, Euippe (or Ocyrrhoe), and two children, Celeris and Melanippe. In poetry, the phrase "My Pegasus will not go this morning" means the author's brain will not work (lacks inspiration), and "I am mounting my Pegasus" means he's going to write (he's becoming inspired), and "I am on my Pegasus" means he's engaged in writing. (See: Bellerophon, Celeris, Chrysoar, Euippe, Hippocrene, Melanippe).
Pegasus' Geneaology. This is a rough outline of Pegasus' geneology. I will create a better one in the future. [press the title: Pegasus' Geneology"].

"Clash of the Titans"
Pegasus in Film and Television. There have been very few screenplays about or featuring Pegasus. Two of the most famous are Clash of The Titans, featuring Harry Hamlin as Perseus with Pegasus getting the royal Ray Harryhausen stop-motion animation treatment. The classic tale of Perseus was changed in several areas, not the least of which had Pegasus alive and supplanting Mercury's gift of winged sandals prior to the death of Medusa. Another featurette produced by Lightyear and adapted from Greek Mythology by Doris Orgel, was the animated movie simply called Pegasus which told his entire tale in abbreviated form by the Muse Urania. In September of 1978 a cartoon premiered called Tarzan and The Super 7, with a superhero group called Freedom Force featuring such mythical heroes as Isis, Merlin, Sinbad and Hercules. In this show, Hercules' mount and constant companion was Pegasus. The animation on the Tarzan series was the best to be presented on early Saturday morning for quite some time. In the Spring of 1997 Walt Disney Studios released it 35th full length fully animated feature length movie called Hercules, where the hero's faithful steed is also Pegasus (his trainer/companion is a satyr named Phil [Philoctetes]). There was at least one other film from the mid 1970s which featured young Ike Eisenmann (?) as a horse rancher's son whose new foal is born with wings [I forget the name and details of this movie]. (See: Battlestar: Pegasus, Pearl Rider, Sunstar, SwiftWind, USS Pegasus).
The Pegasus Constellation situated to the north of the Urn of Aquarius and the eastern fish of the constellation Pisces. Most notably, four of its brightest stars form the Great Square, however, Pegasus is confusingly flying upside down. The Greeks called the constellation Hippos, though sometimes Hippos Ieros (the divine horse) and there are many related or derived terms, including the Latin Equus, Equus Ales, Alatus (winged), Sonipes (noisy-footed), and so on. It is suggested that the jackal-like animal on the Denderah Zodiac represents at least part of Pegasus. It's five brightest stars are Markab (the saddle), Scheat (the upper arm), Algenib (the side or wing) which, along with Alpheratz or Sirrah (navel of the steed) which is alpha Andromedae (but sometimes called delta Pegasi) form the Great Square. Other important stars in Pegasus are Enif (the nose), Homan (lucky star of the hero) and Matar (fortunate rain). In Astrology, Ptolemy associates its brightest star with the influence of Mercury conjunct Mars, and the constellation is said to bring ambition, vanity, enthusiasm, and bad judgment. Ancient astrologers believed that all the stars of Pegasus protected horsemen in battle. In the so-called Lost Zodiac, those persons born between March 13 and April 1 are said to be born under the sign of Pegasus. Because of horseshoes the hoof-marks which horses leave behind look like crescent moons, horses in Greece were sacred to the Moon, which, as it lights up the darkness of the night, governs the world of imagination, instinct and intuition to which the horse also belongs. The moon was also thought to be the source of all moisture, and it was believed to be the moon-shaped hooves of Pegasus, that, when they struck the flowering earth, had caused the Muses' fountain of poetic inspiration to start flowing. The moonlit realm of the imagination, of visions, dreams and intuition, is where those born under the sign of the winged stallion, Pegasus, feel most confident and at home. (See: Pegasus Planet; White Horse).
The Pegasus Family, the family of winged horses portrayed in Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony segment of Walt Disney's masterpiece, FANTASIA. The family consisted of a black stallion (father), a white mare (mother) and four baby foals colored pink, blue, yellow and black. The black colt is the only one to eventually be named (Peter Pegasus). The Pegasus Family regularly flew about, frolicked in the fields and gracefully floated in the rivers of the magical place called Fantasia. There is an entire flock (herd?) of winged horses depicted in the movie. (See: Pegasus in Film, Peter Pegasus).
Pegasus Hi-Tech (Software & Servers) in the Age of Computers. Pegasus Email is he name of a powerful program for handling electronic mail developed originally for users of Novell Netware Servers (including Pegasus for DOS [Pmail], Pegasus for Windows [WinPMail] and Pegasus for Macintosh). Pegasus WWW (World Wide Web) is also the name of a Web Server (WWW.Pegasus.it). I'm assuming the reason (though not stated) for choosing the name Pegasus is due to Pegasus as a symbol of speed, power and swift transport.
Pegasus Magazine. The University of Central Florida Alumni Association needed a vehicle to communicate with its 60,000 alumni, friends and donors. Knight Images conducted a feasibility study for producing a magazine which included research on demographics, expenses, pricing and production. Knight Images sells advertising, serves on the editorial board, designs and produces the bimonthly Pegasus.
The Pegasus Planet, a.k.a. 51 Pegasus. Perhaps one of the most significant discoveries this century in the field of Astronomy. In October of 1995 astronomers detected for the first time what they believe may be a planet around the third brightest star of the Great Square of Pegasus. The report was made by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz of the General Observatory in Switzerland. Since then the observation of the large planet has been confirmed by independent teams of astronomers, and several other extraterrestrial planets have been found. Pegasus 51 is now also a song from "Sing a Song of SETI," The Official Songbook of The SETI League, Inc., lyrics Copyright © 1995 by H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.Sung to the tune of Banned from Argo by Leslie Fish. (See: White Horse).
The Pegasus Prize for Literature. Since first awarded in Egypt in 1977, the Pegasus Prize, sponsored by the Mobil Corporation, has gained an international reputation for fostering literary excellence. It has also encouraged recognition of distinguished works of fiction from countries whose literature merits wider exposure to the outside world. Each work awarded a Pegasus Prize is translated and published in a widely English-language edition.
Pegasus Rockets are the first all-new unmanned US space rockets since the 1960's. The Pegasus Rocket can orbit satellites up to 600 lb. The winged three-stage, solid fuel rocket is strapped under the wing of a B-52 bomber, ferried seven miles above the earth, dropped free and blasted to orbit. NASA planned the use of Pegasus rockets to launch satellites. The first was accomplished April 5, 1990. The following planned launches are September '93, July '94, June '95, January '96, and two more in June 1997.
The Pegasus Sea Horse. A genus of fishes of the Pegasidae, a family of marine fishes of the Indo-China seas; also called the flying sea horses. Any fish of this genus. These are not the same as the Sea-Pegasus known as the pterocamp. (See: Pterocamp).
The Pegasus Syndrome, as exemplified in the legends of Perseus and Bellerophon, is concerned with the innate ability possessed by some people to negotiate difficulties by rising above them, on the one hand, and the danger of overreaching themselves, on the other. Pegasus, by birth, is the child of Medusa and Neptune, symbols of 'wisdom' and 'emotion,' respectively, which shows the dichotomy of his nature. As in the story, Bellerophon attempted to fly to Olympus (overreach his potential). He believed that Pegasus was subject to his will. However, it was Pegasus who made it to Olympus, while Bellerophon was tossed back to earth, lame and reproached by others. It is unwise to take any situation for granted as the 'lesser' person (or, in this case, beast) may be the very one to teach us the much-needed lesson in humility. Pegasus is also indicative of a specific mission in life which the inquirer will always find the time and energy to pursue, although the path may be sewn with difficulties (the Chimaera) and limitations (Bellerophon's doubt or arrogance). So, the Pegasus Syndrome is the seeming ability to "fly over any situation," though the reverse may be a lesson in humility, being "taken down a peg," as it were. (See: Medusa, Poseidon).

Pegasus & The Unicorn, anthropomorphic superheroes. Two ancillary heroes of the comic book hero group called The Zealators. Pegasus and the Unicorn are half human and half mythical beast. Pegasus is a man with the lower body of a horse's hind legs and tail, the mane of a horse that run's down his spine and the wings of a giant eagle. The Unicorn is a woman with the lower half of a unicorn (goat's legs and a lion's tail) and has a single horn rising from her forehead. Pegasus is a superb swordsman and warrior, while the Unicorn is and expert archer and swift sprinter. Both are nearly matchless in hand-to-hand combat as well. Due to their bestial nature they thrive mainly in wooded areas and are mostly utilized when called upon by Beastmaster (the hero who is the mortal guise of the nature god Dionysos/Bacchus). Their origins are yet to be revealed.
Peter Pegasus (a.k.a. Baby Pegasus). This little black, gray and white winged pony was one of the most popular and lovable characters from the movie FANTASIA. A series of cartoon shorts were planned, but never produced starring little Peter Pegasus. (See: Pegasus Family).
Phaeton (See: Eoan).
Phlegon (See: Heliosian).
Pholus, a the good Centaur. Like Cheiron, Pholus was a Magnete centaur, and not genetically related to the common centaurs, the Hippocentaurs. Pholus' parents were the Wood-god Seilenos and the Ashtree Nymph (or centaurette) Nais. As a young colt, Pholus was brought to the good centaur, Cheiron to learn the civil arts. Under Cheiron he grew in grace and wisdom. As an adult, Pholus lived among the centaurs and shared in thier commonwealth. Having met Hercules in his youth, while schooled with Cheiron, they were old friends. One day when Hercules came to visit his friends Pholus and Cheiron, Pholus greeted Hercules and offered him some of the community wine. Upon smelling the wine, and seeing the pacifistic Pholus giving it to a stranger, they became enraged and feral. They began to attack Hercules who then began to defend himself, resulting in the deaths of many centaurs. Either during this event or during the wedding of Peirithoos and Deidamia (what is popularly called the Battle of the Lapithae) Pholus met his demise as a result of one of Hercules' Hydra's-blood poison-tipped arrows. Cheiron was accidentally struck in his thigh (or ankle) by one of the arrows. Seeking to aid his fellow centaurs, Pholus attempted to pull a poisoned arrow from the felled centaur, Pylenor, whereupon he accidentally dropped the arrow piercing his own foot. Being immortal, Cheiron lived (albeit in excruciating pain), but Pholus, being mortal, died immediately. It is said that Pholus was honored by the gods, at Hercules' and Cheiron's petition, in the form of the constellation Sagittarius. (See: Centaurs, Cheiron, Magnetes).
Phouka the Irish Faery Centaur. Also called Pooka or Puck. Because this creature could transform from human to horse it was considered a type of centaur. The Irish claim to still see Phoukas in remote, lonely spots, sepecially bogs and swamps. They believe them to be a bad omen. Many who were foolish enough to mount a Phouka were taken for a terrifying ride before being allowed to dismount.
Pigasus, a Flying Pig. Pigasuses are fanciful winged porcine creations obviously inspired by the phrase, "When pigs fly."
Pirene, the fountain of Pegasus and the Muses. Also spelled Pierene. (See: Hippocrene).
Plutonian Demonsteeds: Alastor, Abatos, Aeton & Nonios. These hellhorses are Pluto (Hades)'s bat-winged, flame-tressed steeds which draw his black chariot and were driving when Pluto abducted Persephone (Proserpina/Cora) the Goddess of Spring and daughter of Zeus and Demeter (Ceres). Alastor means 'avenger,' Abatos means 'inaccessible,' Aeton means 'swift as an eagle' and Nonios means 'measure.' (See: Hellhorse).
Podargus (See: Diomedan).
Poseidon the Greek God of the Seas, Earthquakes and Horses (Roman: Neptune). As patron god of horses, Poseidon-Hippios was said to have created the first horse, Areion through a conception of water and earth (by mating with Demeter). Father, by the Gorgon Medusa, of Pegasus, the fabulous flying horse. Other notable equine offspring are Celeris and/or Chrysoar. Neptune, as with the element of water, symbolizes emotion or feelings and the subconscious, both good and bad. (See: Epona).
Project: PEGASUS (Potential Energy Group/Alternate Sources/United States). From Marvel Comics, an enormous secret research center operated by the US. Department of Energy 24 stories deep in Mount Athena of the Catskills in upstate New York and protected by superhumans, like Quasar (Vaughn Wendell) and the Guardsman (Michael O'Brien).
Psylla (see: Harpina).
Pterocentaur the winged centaurs. Seldom seen depicted, these are centaurs which possess wings, often joined to the back of the neck area of the horse portion of the centaur at he base of the human torso. Though, in the case of Eques, his wings sprang from his human back instead. Areion is said to have taken this form and mated with his sister, Aganippe, siring the race of Magnetes (and possibly pterocentaurs as well). (See: Areion, Centaurs, Eques, Magnetes).
Pterocamp the Winged Sea-Horse. Similar to the Hippocampus, this creature also possesses wings, though usually webbed and scaly. These wings help to propel the creature through the water and even allow it to glide through the sky. Though pterocamps are primarily depicted in ancient Greek and Roman art, in Celtic mythology the sea-chariot of Manannan mac Lir was pulled by these magical beings.
Pterippi the Winged Horses. Also called Pterigottipuses. A term for the species of winged horses derived from the Greek words pteros meaning "having wings" or "winged" and hippos meaning horse. In the pronunciation of Pterippus the "p" is silent. In other words, Pegasus is the name of a Pterippus, not its species. This naming convention is similar to that for the naming of the Pterodactyl, which means "wing finger," or the Hippopotamus, which literally means "river horse" or Unicorn, which means "one horn." Pegasus and Euippe are said to have sired the race of pterippi. (see: Equiraptor, Euippe, Pegasus).
Pyroeis (See: Heliosian).
Qi lin the Chinese Unicorn. Equivalent of the Japanese Ki-rin (Ki-lin). Also called Chi'i lin. The Qi lin shares some of the characteristics of the western unicorn, with some major differences. Qi refers to the male unicorn and lin refers to the female. They are usually depicted as having the body of a stag, the hooves of a horse, the head of a dragon with a single 12 ft (3.6 m) long horn springing from the middle of its brow, with flame-like mane and wings on its shoulders. Much of it's body is covered with iridescent feather-like scales. Unlike western unicorns which are usually pure white, qi lins are multicolored. It is a solitary creature and cannot be caught and its appearance betokens a most auspicious event (i.e., the birth and death of Confucius). In Chinese mythology the Phoenix represents the mystical element of fire, the Dragon: air, the Tortoise: water and the Qi lin (Unicorn): earth. The Qi lin, like the Japanese Ki-rin was said to be the most perfect of all land animals, and the Chinese greeting still in use says, "May the Unicorn's hoof bring you good luck."
The Rhesian Horses. Rhesus, the king of Thrace and son of the Rivergod Strymon; was said to have been the owner of "the fairest horses...the greatest, being whiter than snow, and being swift like the wind." An oracle had decreed that Troy would never be taken if the horses of Rhesus drank the waters of the river Xanthus and ate the grass of the Trojan plains. Therefore, Priam waited with great impatience the arrival of Rhesus and his horses. The oracle was well known to the Greeks who sent Odysseus (Ulysses) and Diomedes to intercept Rhesus. They killed Rhesus and captured his horses. (See: Diomedan).
Rhiannon the Celtic Horse-Goddess. (See: Epona, Hippa, White Horse).
Schalemar Flying Horse, a region of Norway. Capital city: Oslo, Norway. Population approx. 2 million. Main river is the Glama. Primary industry: Agriculture, Fishing, Manufacturing, Energy, and Mining.
Sagittarius the Archer. A constellation traditionally identified with the war-like centaurs of ancient Greece in the southern hemisphere between Argo and Scorpio. While some astrologers confuse it with the immortal Cheiron, King of the Centaurs, others have identified it with Asterion the Minotaur of the Theseus legend, and others with the Wood-god Seilenos, Crotus the famous satyr-archer, or even Centauros the First Centaur, son of Ixion (or of Apollo and river nymph Stilbe) - not to be confused with the asterism Centaurus. In any respect, Cheiron is seen as a benevolent teacher and healer, and as different from typical warlike, drunkard and satyriasic mortal centaurs as a centaur possibly could be, despite his outward appearance. Sagittarius' true depiction is probably that of a satyr or sileni holding a bow, rather than a centaur. Cheiron's true asterism is Centaurus. (See: Centaurs, Centaurus, Cheiron, Crotus, Sileni).
Satan's Demonsteeds: Amon, Set & Hekate the Demonsteeds of the Son of Satan. Marvel Comics character Daimon Hellstrom a.k.a. the Son of Satan (now called Hellstorm) stole the fiery chariot of his father (Satannish) and is able to control the steeds by means of his own Darksoul. Hellstorm and his wife, Hellcat (Patsy Walker Hellstrom), would use the chariot for extended journeys. When not needed the horses and chariot remain in an extra-dimensional nether realm, usually through Fire Lake near Daimon's ancestral home. It is unknown if Hellcat (Patsy Walker Hellstrom), Daimon's wife, is able to use the chariot by herself. (See: Hellhorse).
Sea-Biscuit the Giant Seahorse. (See: Stormy).
The Selenian Steeds: Lampethousa & Zephyria the winged mares of the Moon-goddess, Selene (Luna). Siblings to the winged stallions of Helios, they are descendants of Pegasus and Euippe, and members of the race of Pterippi, (See: Heliosian, Pterippi).
Set the Demonsteed of the Son of Satan. (See: Satan).
Shimmerie the Flying Horse. Another Serendipity book by Price Stern Sloan centering on a winged horse named Shimmerie and a red crystal. (See: Flutterby).
Sileni the Horse-folk. Semi-Centaurs, woodland creatures who, like centaurs, satyrs/pans (fauns), maenads (bacchantes) and nymphs, were devotees of Dionysos (Bacchus) and the Wood-god Pan (Faunus), and the offspring of Seilenos (Sylvanus) the god of boundaries, gardens and forests. Seilenos or Silenus is both the name of the woodland deity, son of Pan and the wood nymph Syrinx, represented as a shaggy, bearded, fat, jolly drunken, yet wise and prophetic follower of Pan and Dionysos (often seen riding a donkey or being supported by satyrs), and as the singular name for the species of sileni. Unlike centaurs, the Sileni only possess the hindquarters and ears of a horse and the torso and head of a man. Sometimes confused with the satyrs, half-goat-men of the same genii as Pan and Marsyas (the satyr who musically competed with Apollo, whom he bested and was subsequently punished). There were also satyrettes (fauni), goat-women [like Amaltheia & Melissa, who (along with the nymphs Adrasteia, Ida and the Curetes) were the nursemaids of the baby Zeus (Jupiter) who fed him milk from the monstrous she-goat, Aix [a descendant of Helios], and honey (one of Aix's horns, often called Amaltheia's Horn became the Cornucopia -the magical Horn of Plenty). Amaltheia was honored by being placed among the constellations as Capricorn (the Sea-Goat), Melissa was transformed into a honeybee and became the constellation of the Musca the Fly (a.k.a. Musca Australis or Apis the Southern Bee)]. In this respect, the older satyrs are called Sileni and the more juvenile and mischievous are the Satyrs. Satyrs may have been descended from Satyros who was the son of Dionysos and the naiad Nicaea, the daughter of the Rivergod Sangrius and Agdistis (Cybele) or of Poseidon and the Cretan nymph Satyria, the daughter of Minos and Pasiphae. The name Seilenos means "bubbling water" (or, according to some, "moon man") and the Sileni are personifications of springs and rivers. Often depicted as helpers of the Fire-god Haephestos (Vulcan). Seilenos, himself was a wise sylvan teacher, father of the good centaur Pholus by the nymph Nais, and served as Dionysos' foster father. (See: Centaurs, Empousae).
Sin-You the Avenging Unicorn. A fierce Japanese unicorn which looks like a lion with a thick, tawny mane and a single horn. Used as a symbol of Japanese law since it was said to have the ability to know who was guilty and who was innocent.
Sleipnir the Eight-legged Horse of Odin (Woden). Sleipnir is the offspring of Loki (in the guise of a mare) and a giant's stallion named Svaldifari. Because of it's eight legs, Sleipnir is the swiftest of all horses and Odin's personal steed. This magical gray steed can journey on land sea or air and carries Odin to the land of the dead (Niflheim/Valhalla) and back to his dwelling place in Asgard. When Balder was slain the god Hermod rode Sleipnir and descended into the realm of Hel. The bodies of dead warriors were often said to be transported on the back of Sleipnir to Odin's hall in Valhalla. Or, by decree of Odin, mortals were brought by Sleipner to Asgard. It is said that Asbyrgi, NE-Iceland was formed by the hoof of Sleipnir when it touched Midgard (the Earth). Sleipnir's last known deed occurs at the time of Ragnarok, where he impetuously carries his master straight down the gaping throat of the Fenris-Wolf.
Starlite the Magical Horse of Rainbow Brite. Rainbow Brite, a product of Hallmark Cards, Inc. and DIC Enterprises was a regular cartoon series featured on Saturday mornings in 1985. A poorly written and quickly produced marketing vehicle called "Rainbow Brite & the Star Stealer" ran in the theaters. Starlite was a talking white stallion with a rainbow colored mane and tail, and a large yellow star birthmark on his forehead. Rainbow Brite, Twink the Sprite, Starlite and their friends were all elemental spirits of the Earth who live in the invisible country of Rainbowland, and often must challenged the forces of evil. Rainbow Brite has to chase Stormy and her magical horse, Skydancer, from the sky in order to bring Spring. Everywhere she tosses her magical "star sprinkles" a rainbow forms bringing renewed life and a rainbow bridge of solid light for her and Starlite to travel.
Stormy the Wild Seahorse. In the prequel adventures of Disney's "The Little Mermaid," which ran for two seasons on television in 1992-3, and in the Disney Press "Little Mermaid" mini-novels, the denizens of Atlantica occasionally utilize the services of giant seahorses for transportation. King Triton rides a giant white mare named Crystal, Princess Arista, Ariel's sister, rides a gentle red mare named Foamy, Arista's merboy-friend, Dylan, rides Current, Nefazia, King Triton's childhood friend from the Indian Ocean has a pair of striped sea-zebras driving her chariot, and Princess Ariel, herself, usually rides a gentle golden stallion named Sea-Biscuit, though Crystal is her favorite. Other seahorses in Triton's stable include Tide and Wildride. However, on one occasion, a giant purple seahorse called Stormy was captured and corralled with the others. Ariel disobeyed her father and rode the wild stallion becoming lost and injured in the process. Stormy saved her and was eventually released back into the open ocean. Mackey, the Royal Seahorse Trainer, and his young assistant, Urchin (both mermen), tend to the care of Triton's stables. In King Triton's court a seahorse of the smaller variety serves as Royal Herald.
Strider, the Black Knight's winged horse. The Black Knight of Marvel Comics has had several flying steeds, Aaragorn, Valinor, a mechanical mount from Wundagore, and now Strider. Soon after his return to the Marvel Universe, Dane Whitman, the Black Knight, was given two gifts by Roma, the daughter of Merlin the Magician: A magic sword and a flying steed named Strider. Utilizing his new resources, the Black Knight has become a member of the "Heroes for Hire" (See: Aaragorn, Valinor).
Sunstar, Princess Guinevere's Flying Horse. In the 1995 cartoon, Princess Guinevere and the Jewel Riders utilizes a winged horse named Sunstar. Guinevere's friend Fallon rides a magical unicorn-horse named Moondance.
Super-Horse of the Legion of Super-Pets. In the 1960s there existed a silly group of super-powered animals collectively known as the Legion of Super-Pets as a sub-feature in D.C. Comics Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes. The members included Krypto, Superboy's dog, Streaky, Supergirl's (?) cat, Bippo the Super-Monkey, occasionally Proty II, and Super-Horse. Super-Horse was actually a magical talking being that could change his form between that of a white horse, a centaur and a man.

SwiftWind, She-Ra's Magical Winged Steed. An animated series "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe" premiered in 1983, and it's spin-off, "She-Ra, Princess of Power" featured the young heroine, Adora (He-Man's twin sister), and her faithful companion and mount, the steed, Spirit who, when the Princess Adora raises her sword, chants the magic words, "For the honor of Grayskull, I am She-Ra!" and transforms into She-Ra, Spirit becomes the magical winged unicorn (alicorn), SwiftWind. She-Ra's "special friend" Bow also had a noble steed with wings named Arrow, as did the wicked Catra who rode a white winged horse named Storm.
The Trojan Horse, gift of the Greeks. The large wooden statue which the Greeks gave to the Troy. The building of the hollow horse was engineered by Odysseus (Ulysses) and the construction was accomplished by Epeius. The Trojans allowed the statue inside Troy because they mistakenly believed it to be an offering to the Goddess of Victory in War, Athena. By hiding therein, the Greeks were able to enter the gates of Troy undetected at the end of the Trojan War, thus capturing the city and sacking it. Now, the term trojan horse is used as a euphemism for any subversive group or device insinuated within enemy ranks.
Unicorn the Horned Lion-goat. The legendary first unicorn was called Unicornis (Monoceros). The typical depiction of a horse-like unicorn is not true to its legendary form. The unicorn is actually part goat and part lion. Possessing the body, goatee, fetlocks and cloven hooves of a goat, and the tail of a lion, with a single long spiral-grooved horn rising from its forehead. Some authors tell of two distinct species of western unicorn: the horse-like Hippoceros and the gigantic goat-like Elisserion. The goddess Artemis (Diana) is said to be their protectress and mistress, and because of their attachment to the moon, virgins and hunting, a team of eight unicorns are said to often drive Artemis' moon-chariot across the night sky. Legend teaches that unicorns are strong, yet shy, elusive and secretive by nature. As spiritual beasts they are sensitive to the souls of humans. Usually impossible to capture, they can be lured and snared by the innocence of a virgin maiden. Hunters were said to trade a lifetime of hunting just to catch a glimpse of a unicorn, or better yet, to catch one and cut off its horn, whose properties were said to have magical powers. The horn could purify the body of water it was immersed into, if ground up and used in medicines, it would protect the user from evil. The horn, as a phallic symbol, was said to increase the libido, virility and fertility of any male possessing it. The Unicorn was said to live in he most remote and loneliest place in the world (some believe that to be Tibet high in the Himalayan Mountains). As in western culture where the answer the child's query, "Where do babies come from?" the answer refers to a fable concerning storks, in eastern culture, the fable is of a unicorn carrying the infant to it's mother. The unicorn is also the mortal enemy of the elephant and can fight as furiously as a bull. Aside from being a symbol of chastity and purity, the unicorn symbolizes good health and fierce strength. In Christian lore, the unicorn is a symbol of Christ as the Healer. The unicorn is a favored symbol in heraldry and is occasionally depicted with additional physical features such as the Maricorn or Almaricorn. (See: Alicorn, Karkadann, Jacchus, Maricorn, Monoceros, Sin-you, Qi lin).
Unipeg, a Flying Unicorn. Also called a "pegacorn." This is a coined word some have used to give genesis to a species of flying unicorns combining the Greek name of Pegasus and the Latin word Unicorn. Generally it is not appropriate to compound Greek & Latin words together, but if it becomes accepted into the general language it is adopted, no matter the form. Conventionally it is more appropriate to call a winged unicorn a Cerapter (Greek) or an Alicorn (Latin). (See: Alicorn, Cerapter).
Urania the Muse of Astronomy and the Goddess of Heavenly Love. Urania is the female genitive of Ouranos (Uranus) who was the Celestial Hemisphere, the Starry Heaven. Urania is commonly the name of the Muse of Astronomy, and one of the nine daughters of Zeus (Jupiter) and the Titaness Mnemosyne (Memoria). The muses lived on Mt. Helicon and were the constant companions of their half-brother and half-sister the gods Apollo and Aphrodite (Venus). Urania presided over the arts of Astrology, Astronomy and Romantic Poetry, and her symbol was a celestial globe and a pair of compasses (instruments she used to measure the heavens). Astrologically Urania represents the principle of cosmic knowledge, a deep thinker who draws upon her inspiration to uncover mental treasures. Associated with the Harmony of the Spheres, by Apollo, Urania became the mother of the famous musician hero Linus, the inventor of Rhythm and Melody, and who befriended and taught music to Herakles. Linus was subsequently killed by Herakles in a fit of anger. By Dionysos Urania mothered the God of Marriage, Hymenaeus. It is said that Urania is the youngest of the Muses and took Athena's challenge to raise Pegasus. Urania is also a surname for Aphrodite (Venus) which grants her the title of "Celestial One" and places her as the Queen of Heaven and the goddess of Universal or Heavenly Love. The distinction between Urania the Muse and Urania the Goddess of Heavenly Love is blurred, and it is felt that they are one and the same. Urania is also the name for a minor planet or asteroid (number 30) discovered between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter in what is known as the Asteroid Belt. (See: Euippe, Pegasus).
USS Pegasus the Lost Starship. In the television series STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION in the episode called "The Pegasus" we learned that Commander William Riker's very first duty assignment out of Starfleet Academy was aboard the USS Pegasus under the command of Captain Erik Pressman. This ship was lost in space and the facts surrounding its mysterious disappearance were classified. What had truly happened concerned a breach of Federation policy which, according the Treaty of Algerian with the Romulans, forbade the secret installation and testing of a captured Romulan Cloaking Device. The USS Pegasus could not maintain it's integrity and phased partially into a solid asteroid killing most of the crew. This illegal activity and subsequent cover-up were finally exposed when, now Admiral Pressman pushed to use the USS Enterprise-D to secretly recover the remains of the USS Pegasus.
Valinor the Bat-winged Steed. The magical flying horse once owned by Marvel Comic's Black Knight. Dying of a mystical ailment, Valinor was cured by Doctor Strange at the cost of his wings (See: Aaragorn, Strider).
Valraven the black winged horse of the Norse goddess, Freya. In her role as the Scandinavian Death-goddess, Freya rode the Valraven ('raven-ridden-by-Valkyries').
Vivasvat, the Seven-Headed Sun Horse. In Hindu mythology the Sun-god was a seven-headed horse named Vivasvat. Vivasvat married the nymph Saranya, daughter of Tvashtar. In the form of a man the two parented twins named Yama, King of the dead, and his sister Yami. In an attempt to flee Vivasvat's terrible heat, Saranya changed herself into a mare and left a simulacrum of herself by which Vivasvat fathered Manu. Upon discovering the deception, Vivasvat changed himself into a stallion and by Saranya, in her mare form, he fathered the Ashvins (horse-men). The Hindu Sun-horse, Vivasvat, with his seven heads symbolized the work of the seven chakras. (See: Gemini).
Whisper the Winged Unicorn in stories by Jill Wolf and Katherine Wilson. A Little Treasures character in a series of books published by Antioch Publishing Company. Whisper, bearing the same mistake like so many before, is not a true unicorn in the sense of being part lion/part goat. Rather she is a little white colt with white wings, a rainbow mane, fetlocks and tail, and a single horn protruding from her forehead. I don't fault the authors for this common error, therefore I include Whisper in this Listing. I am unfamiliar with Whisper's origin, but from the few stories I have read she hails from a land called the Rainbow Forest which is also inhabited by flying dragons, rabbits and little people called Nodkins.
The White Horse, an ancient symbol especially embodied in Pegasus. Though definitely an emblem of Poseidon-Hippios and of mare-headed Demeter as Leukippe, the white horse was not limited to the Greeks since it was featured in the pantheons of many other cultures, particularly among the ancient Celts. It probably pre-dates the Great Deluge (Flood) where priests must have attempted anything to placate the seagods as they observed the ever rising waters. Trismegistic teachings tell that the white horse symbolizes purified passion, which, like other Poseidonic signs, relates to our conscious efforts to gain some control over the often turgid waters of the deep unconscious. Pegasus is part of the Zodiacal Constellation of Aquarius where the first known planet, 51 Pegasi, outside of our own was discovered in 1995. As the discovery has been made in the "Age of Aquarius" this is considered, by some, to be a most significant and spiritual finding. Interpreting this finding as a fulfillment of the Mazzaroth (Jewish Zodiac) prophesy in the Bible's book of Revelation concerning the White Horse -Rev. 19:11. Utilizing the interpretation of the constellations stars' names, Markab, "the returning"; Scheat, "he who goes forth and returns"; and Enif, "the Branch." According to some, Buddha, in pity, flew across the heavens as a white horse, and the coming Avatar who is to appear at the end of the present age, is to appear on a white horse, which some believe to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. However, since the discovery of the Pegasus Planet, several more planets have been discovered in other constellations, such as 70 Virginis, Upsilon Andromedae, etc. (See: Buraq, Epona, Leukippe, Magnetes, Pegae, Pegasus Planet).
Winged Horse (See: Aganippe, Areion, Celeris, Hellhorse, Pegasus, Pterippi).
The Winged Horse Anthology by Joseph Auslander and Frank Ernest Hill, published in 1929, is a collection of some of the greatest works of poetry from such authors as Keats, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Raleigh, Bacon, Swift, Scott, Byron, Emerson, Poe, Browning, Dickenson, Wilde, Kipling, Frost, Brooke, and dozens of others.
The Winged Horseshoe is the sigil (graphic cypher or symbol) of Pegasus: 
Winged Unicorn (See: Alicorn).
Winged Victory the Noble Steed. The flying horse of the DC Comics character Sir Justin, The Shining Knight and young Butch of Beeler's Alley (from DC's 'silver age' of superheroes). [Also the name of a famous headless statue of Nike, the Greek goddess of victory].
The Wooden Horse. (See: The Trojan Horse).
Xanthus & Bailus the fabled immortal horses of Achilles. Twin foals as swift as the wind. Sons of the Harpy Podarge and Zephyros (Favonius) the west wind. Gifted by Hera with the power of speech and foresight. (See: Diomedan, Pedasus).
Xephyr the Magic Pony. The wonderful pony from the land of Phantazhyia who frolics and adventures with his magical horse-pals: AEster the Colt, Selenie the Hippocamp, Cera the Unicornette, Pyrrhis the Hellfoal and Chyrsalia the Papillequine. Whenever in flight, Xephyr leaves a faint trail of sparkling lights streaming like a rainbow of seven bright colors (red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and magenta).
Zephyria (See: Selenian).
Zu Bird In Assyrian and Babylonian Mythology there is a character
known as Zu, or the Zu bird, whose major form was a lion-headed eagle or
griffin, and whose prime function was to bring rain. His minor form was that of a winged horse. The Zu Bird was destroyed by Lugalbanda in the Assyrian and Babylonian telling. The story of Niurta followed the same pattern by destroying the Imgig Bird in the Summerian version of the tale. The Imgig Bird has this time has the winged horse as a major form, who lived in the mountains and was a bringer of storms and rain, and any others.
Some references give it a Mesopotamian origin as part of Sumerian Mythology where it is called "Imdugud" as well, and of Akkadian Mythology where it was known as "Anzu." In both, it was most noted for having stolen the tablets of Fate (Destiny), and that it was a "storm god." Apparently Marduk/Enki/Ninurta (whatever the name) slew the beast to retrieve the tablets. But according to the Gilgamesh legend the hero saw it (and a fledgling) in a nest long after it was supposedly killed. It is described as being a great beast with the body of a human, head of a lion, a beak like a saw, and the wings of an eagle. Since the Tablets of Fate were said to confer omnipotence upon the holder it must have been immensely gifted in some fashion at that time.
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