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The Centaur's are half man, and half horse. They have the body of a horse but, in place of the horse's head they have the torso, head and arms, of a man. Most are wild and savage, known for lustfulness and drunkenness. The exception is the wise Centaur Cheiron.

The father of the centaurs was Centaurus, who was held in disrepute by both men and gods. Some accounts claim that he was the son of Apollo and Stilbe, but the more interesting accounts say he was fathered by Ixion. He gave birth to the race of Centaurs by mating with Magnesian mares.

The pivital event in the history of the Centaurs was their war with the Lapiths. King Peirithous of the Lapiths inherited part of Thessaly from his father Ixion. The Centaurs as grandsons of Ixion claimed they were entitled to part of the land. After a first round of fighting, a peace was arranged. Peirithous invited the Centaurs to his wedding. Here the Centaurs became drunk, then violent. Under the lead of Eurytionthey attempted to carry off the Lapith women. In the resulting battle the Centaurs were defeated and driven from the area. (reference page)


Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto. His twin sister is Artemis. He is the god of music, playing a golden lyre. He is also known as the Archer, far shooting with a silver bow. He is the god of healing who taught man medicine. He is called the god of light and truth, who cannot speak a lie.

One of Apollo's more important daily tasks is to harness his chariot with four horses an drive the Sun across the sky.

He is famous for his oracle at Delphi. People traveled to it from all over the Greek world to divine the future.

His tree was the laurel, the crow his bird, and the dolphin his animal.

(reference page)


Ixion was the son of Antion and Perimela. He was a king in Thessaly and a thoroughly bad hombre. His sins began when he married Dia the daughter of Eioneus but, failed to bring the agreed bride price. Eioneus held his mares as security on the dept. Ixion then lured Eioneus to his kingdom with the promise of payment. Once there he murdered Eioneus by throwing him into a flaming pit.

The Greeks considered the murder of kin to be a particularly horrendous act. No man or god would purify him of it. Zeus finally decided to purify him, possibly because Zeus had taken an interest in Dia. Ixion went to Olympus for the ritual.

Once in Olympus Ixion attempted to seduce Hera. She informed Zeus, who decided to test Ixion by shaping a cloud to look like Hera and placed it in Ixion's bed. Ixion took the bait and was caught in the act with the cloud. For this Zeus chained him to a fiery wheel in the the underworld for eternity.

The cloud was to give birth to Centaurus. Dia gave birth to Peirithous either by Ixion or by Zeus. (reference page)


Led the Centaurs in the battle that broke out at Peirithous's wedding. Losing this battle resulted in the Centaurs being forced out of their home on Mount Pelion. Later Eurytion forced King Dexamenus to agree to give his daughter Mnesimache to be his wife. When he came to collect her Heracles, who was the kings guest killed him. (referecne page)


A civilized Centaur Pholus invited Heracles to be his guest. However, the wine he used to entertain Heracles drew the other Centaurs and a fight resulted. After the fight Pholus accidently dropped one of Heracles poisoned arrows on his foot and died as a result. Some claim that Pholus is the individual represented in the constellation Centaurus. (referecne page)


Nessus was driven from his home in Arcadia by Heracles. He established himself as a ferryman on the river Evenus. He even claimed to be appointed to the task by the gods because of his good character. Years later he had the task of ferrying Heracles bride Deianeira while Heracles crossed on his own. Nessus took advantage of the situation to try to rape Deianeira. Heracles prevented this by shooting him with a poison arrow. As he was dying he persuaded Deianeira that a love charm made from his blood would insure Heracles faithfulness. In fact, he knew this charm to be poisonous. Ultimately it was this charm that killed Heracles. (referecne page)


Along with Hylaeus, he attempted to rape Atalanta , who was able to kill him with a single arrow. (referecne page)


Along with Rhoecus, he attempted to rape Atalanta , who was able to kill him with a single arrow. (referecne page)

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