Ace Of Space: Inside Alpha Centauri
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri could be the strategy title to end all others.
Alpha Centauri looks to be a worthy successor to Civilization.
Legal wranglings over the 'Civilization' name aside, Sid Meier's new
company Firaxis is in the process of producing Alpha Centauri, and
the general concensious is that this will be the true successor to the
highly popular Civilization series. Brian Reynolds (the driving
force behind Civilization 2) is the designer in chief of this turn
based, empire building title.
- Remember all those poor humans you shot off into space at the end of
Civilization 2? Well, by all accounts they made it. The game is
based on the fate of the colonists after they reach Alpha Centauri.
You get to play the ruler of one of the factions that developed amongst the
motely crew during the long flight to the nearest star system to earth.
- The storyline leading up to the game is highly detailed, the tenth
chapter of which is the latest to be released on the Alpha Centauri
home site.
- There are seven factions in the game, each of them based on
philosophical and ethical beliefs. This obviously differs to the set-up of
Civilization 2, where nations were involved. Each of the seven
factions has varying strengths and weaknesses, depending on the beliefs of
the unit. For example, the University of Planet faction is commited to the
advance of knowledge and technology over emotional concerns. Other factions
are The Human Hive (the master of which is highly charismatic with an
eiditic memory), The Peacekeeping Forces (humanitarian), Gaia's
Stepdaughters (ecologically minded and democratic), the profit hungry
Morgan Comglomerate, The Spartan Coalition (value strength of body and
discipline), and two others that have yet to be revealed. As you can
gather, Alpha Centauri will offer a rich, deep experience.
- There are multiple paths to victory. Simply conquer the planet with
brute force or negotiate your way into the halls of power. Meetings of the
Planetary Council give the scope to double-cross your allies using probe
teams and manipulate others factions like a true megalomaniac.
- Every time you play the game, a new fractal based planet generator
creates an entirely new planet, complete with weather patterns and unique
geological formations. The terrain is in full 3D and contoured. Each square
on the game map takes into account rainfall, altitude and temperatures. You
can terraform, raising mountain ranges and the like. Projects like this can
disturb the weather patterns for entire continents, a fact that can
obviously be used to your advantage: rain all over your opponents whilst
you bask in the sun.
- Discover and murder the unique indigenous life-forms of the planets.
As your society impacts increasingly on the eco-system, the planet fights
back with Xenofungus and mindworms. Nasty. According to the developers, the
planet has "some kind of sentience for you to communicate with and learn
about." What kind of madness is this?
- Technology abounds. Eighty futuristic technologies will bring a new
meaning to the word complex. Teleporters, time travel, quantum
machinery.... Do you build your arsenals or pile currency into developing
power sources for your population? As you blunder on into the future you'll
have it all: insane weaponary, solid defenses, differing motive types and
secret advanced abilities (that will depend on your faction). They'll be
super vehicles in the game, each with their own special abilities. Stealth,
for example, will allow the vehicle to move around the game map undetected.
You'll be able to design units according to your needs. Outfit land and sea
units, with multiple types of armor and weaponary.
- Power is money. The currency in the game is literally raw power, with
money meaning nothing. This will make such things as power plants extremely
valuable indeed....
- Full multiplayer support for six of you to dominate the new world on
LAN, modem, Internet or serial connections. Chat live over the Internet
with text or voice-over-data technology. Responsive and detailed AI
computer players make intelligent decisions, plot with you against mutual
enemies, coordinate their actions, and respond to you based on their own
self-interest and personality.
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri is set for release in November this